Friday, April 24, 2015

Cuteness and Beauty


 Ok - So I promised some cuteness- and I am hoping that the cuteness was captured in these photos!  
Introducing Peanut and Whitie! 
 My Mother in Law and her brother have some sheep- and this year - as of last week end they had a total of about 22 baby lambs. These two were the favorites on our visit to the "farm." One of the reasons they were the favorites is because since their Momma's refused to nurse them- they are bottle fed. So when they saw us walking out in the pasture - they came to greet us! And stayed with us the entire visit.

Oh my goodness! They will steal your heart. They are so tiny and adorable. Oh an interesting fact- the white one was only 1 week old in these photos- the brown one- Peanut was about 2 weeks older than the white one but is so much smaller.

I would have taken these guys home with me if I could have- especially if they would have stayed this small. In fact, when my husband and I were out in the chicken yard discussing putting up a temporary fence in order to keep the chickens towards the front of the yard till they are bigger(to protect them from hawks). I mentioned that we could put the fence up and put the lambs in the bigger open field and then just allow keep the chicken pin smaller. Anyway I don't think it will happen but it was fun to dream a bit. Especially with how cute and sweet these guys were!

I loved that they let us all and especially our granddaughter pet them.

Our baby chicks are growing! This past week end marked them at 2 months old. Just a few more months and we will begin to get eggs. I can not wait to share that special day with you all! I will try to get some better photos of them as soon as I can. They have grown so much and are very cute. If you will notice in this photo - the white chicken to the right - is our extra chicken that they threw in - it has feathers on it's legs - hence it's name "Feather."

Next I want to show you some beautiful things in my yard!
These flowers I planted several years ago. And I have been thrilled every year when they come back in. I was so thankful that I did not pull up the old dead plant- because had I done that - I would have never realized that they would come back every year and bring so much joy.

By any chance do any of you know the names of these flowers?

I am trying to find out  so that I can be on the look out for more of these. That is a way that I am trying to design my yard - is by using as many flowers that come back from year to year. Pay for it once and enjoy again and again.

Oh by the way - there is another magical reason to have these flowers! They attract hummingbirds. I can see these flowers from my sewing room window! And there are many times that I look out my window to see hummingbirds enjoying the nectar of these flowers. I am trying to get a photo to share with you all. It is amazing to see - you can tell just how small hummingbirds are when you see them eating from these flowers.

The purple flowers in this photo was bought the same year - and continue to come back as well. I believe they are called Salvia.
They are another great flower to have!

Here is a photo of my herb/rose garden. I have rosemary, oregano, sage and parsley. Most of these were planted several year ago- Parsley was planted last year.

 I love my parsley plant for a couple of reasons:
  1. I use parsley for some smoothies that I make in which I use pineapple juice, spinach and parsley - blend it up and drink it. Start out slow with the amount of parsley and then build up.
  2. Monarch Caterpillar's love to eat parsley. In fact, we have to compete for it for a while. But once I realized that one day soon I would be able to enjoy Monarch Butterflies - I changed my attitude and decided to share with the little guys. If you would like to learn more about Monarch Caterpillars and Butterflies click HERE.
I have a great dvd~ called Homestead Blessings The Art of Herbs by The West Ladies that I need to pull out and watch again. I am sure I need to review the pointers and info that they share. Watching their great videos really inspire me. I am glad I made that investment several years ago.

If you are interested in learning more about The West Ladies and the awesome videos they have made click HERE.  This link will take you to their blog- and from there you can click on learning videos. As I looked through - I noticed that they have a few new ones since I got mine so they will be on my wish list for sure.

Anyway there you have it the cuteness and beauty that has been in my life lately. I hope you enjoyed seeing it all. God bless you and I hope you all have a great week end.

By the way - our "God's Promises" will be on Isaiah 1:18, Come back by and check it out.

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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