Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Decision Has Been Made...

Hello~ Wow - it's been a while since I have sat down to write a post. Not quite sure why - just felt quiet. Still feeling quiet but thought I would stop and take a moment to write a quick post.

It looks like we have decided to get rid of our chickens and to get baby chicks. Some friends that live down the road have agreed to take our chickens and add to their flock. They have about 12 chickens and I am SO hoping that my 8 girls will do well there. I am kind of sad - because I love my chickens so it will be hard to part with them. But it is the best thing for us to do.

When I first started going to Aldi's the price for a dozen eggs- was only .39 cents! Wow- what a great deal! Well at that time we did not think that it would be a good investment to get new chickens. But now that the price of eggs had gone up to 1.49 a dozen- it is a much better idea to take the time and spend the money to get baby chicks and take the time to get them to the laying stage- about 5- 6 months after we get them in order to be able to get our own eggs. And then we also have the chance of sharing eggs with friends and family.

Anyway so this week end is when we will load up our chickens and take them to their new home. And then we will need to do some work on our chicken pen. We are planning on building a tin roof for the bigger side of the chicken pen(a large dog run). And that way we no longer will need to get new tarps out there - that just tear up - no matter how strong of tarps that we get. It will cost $100. or so- but it will guarantee that we will have some areas in there that are dry for the chickens. We will also spend that time to clean up the chicken coop- and prepare it for the babies. We have a metal rectangular thing that we will need to move to the chicken coop- and get the supplies needed for the babies. We will be ordering our chickens from McMurray- 25 baby chicks! Once we order them - we will have a time frame of when they will get here- the day that they come in to the post office- I will get a phone call to come get them. They are packed into a small box to try to keep them warm. They are in close quarters to help keep the heat in there for them. They need to stay pretty warm. And I will be on standby to go get them as soon as I get the call. Then I will bring them home and introduce them to their new home. I look forward to it!! :)

I will try to get back on sometime to share a few other neat things that have been going on around here. I really want to tell you about my new toy and about a big job that we finally got done around here- but the telling of those tales will have to wait for another day! :O)


  1. Have fun with your new babies! Make sure to post pictures!

  2. Hi Lisa! This city girl can't imagine getting little chicks in the mail...what a concept! I hope they arrive to you safe and sound; and that your girls will enjoy their new digs at the neighbors.
    My sister has chickens, and she always gets plenty of eggs. She even gives some away! So I know you'll be full of eggs in a few months.
    Good to see you again :)

    1. Ceil~ I will be posting photos- I will even try to get a photo of the little box that the little girls come in! :O)

  3. We're cleaning out the chick brooder too- I look forward to hearing what breeds you choose!

    1. We have ordered our chickens- I will try to get a post together with photos of what we have ordered! Yay- you will have baby chicks too! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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