Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow~ In Texas....Really

Here is the view from my doors in my dining room- the doors that go out into the sunroom:
I am so happy that we put the babies in the sunroom especially since: 
Not only have we had icy weather the last two day - now today we got now- first we got quite a bit of rain and then we got a good amount of snow. We got more snow than this photo shows.
Yesterday we lost a little chick. :o(
I should not be surprised - they really went through a lot from their hatching till when we got them.
Yesterday when my husband got home from work - there was no wind so he thought it would be the perfect time to get our burn pile - burned. So we did. We got most of it burned - we will need to get rake some stuff into a pile and do another little burn before we finish getting this area ready for our garden area.  
 Now I am hoping that it will dry up enough that we can get a big machine in our back yard to square or rectangle our garden up - and then we will have to have a load of dirt brought it. Please pray that this will work out this year. We have been waiting for a long time to have a proper garden. And we have put so much work into our yard - in different areas trying to get an area ready and our soil is so rocky and not good for gardening. So we are really hoping to have to have a great garden area. I can not wait to show you all photos of our garden.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about you losing a chick. Unreal to think you had snow in Texas!

  2. I am sorry you lost one! :( Glad the others are o.k. so far, though.
    I always had trouble gardening as well--I think the dirt is not the greatest for it. But the best year ever for my gardening there was our last year, and I did a method Sylvia told me about. It is called "Lasagna Gardening," and it is all layering things up on top of the soil instead of digging down into it. You can find stuff on-line if you are interested. :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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