Monday, March 3, 2014

Freezing Weather- up dated...

There is a big disadvantage when your washer and dryer are located in your garage. Most of the time it is not a big deal. But yesterday by the time that Jason got home with a lot more of our laundry that needed to be washed- it was below freezing and had been for 8 hours or more. So we did not feel that it was a good idea to even try to do the laundry. Last night the temps got to the teens with the wind chill near 0. Our cold water at our kitchen sink froze up and it still frozen at this point. And our washer and dryer are like 10 feet or less away from the kitchen sink- so the likelihood that the washer lines are frozen are pretty high. So I have several loads of laundry that will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon - after the temps get above freezing. And hope that the pipes do not bust.

It is hard for me to have laundry pile up- I like to keep the laundry done up - I am not the type of person to do laundry every single day. I like to do a load of laundry when we have enough clothes to do a load- so I probably do a load every other day or a little less. I have always liked to do that. It is easier to pair up sock and such when there are less sock to have to match up. I have known people who wait till one day during the week end to do their laundry - and it just seems to make it such a big job. And if you don't have a washer and dryer I can totally understand the waiting till once a week. But I have just found that it works so much easier for me to do laundry more often. And it does not seem to be such an overwhelming task that way.

Anyway - so today is a cold day and I will be staying inside as much as possible. Tonight is the beginning of a Health Seminar at our church- I am going to e-mail and see if they are still going to start it tonight. So if they do I might have to get out- I would like to make it to as many of the programs as possible. And next Monday might be a rough day for me - since it is the Monday after Chemo.

I hope you all are staying warm. :o)

Edited to add:
Praise the Lord - we did get above freezing and both things have thawed out. And I am being able to get my laundry done today after all! Yay! Happy about that! :O)


  1. Thinking of you with much love, and many prayers.

  2. I do laundry everyday. Our washer is small and I don't like to have laundry pile up. Doing laundry often does make it a much less overwhelming task! I sure hope you don't have any pipes burst.

  3. Hi Lisa! It's those little things that become big things when you can't do them that bother me the most. Like laundry! I'm glad you were able to get yours done.

    I pray you can get to your church meeting too. It would be nice to get out and see people, wouldn't it? I hope you were able to go.

  4. I am just like you, hate letting the laundry pile up. I only do it when there is enough for a load too...saves on electric cost.
    It has been so cold here all winter, so I have to make sure the pipes do not freeze...Like today!
    Looks like we have our chemo on the same day! I will think of you :) God bless~ Lisa


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of...Self Control

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....