Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You never Know What You Will Find...

In a small town nearby, there is a thrift store that is run by a church. It is only open two days a week and yesterday just happen to be one of the days they are open. Well since I needed to go to the post office in said town, I decided to stop by the thrift store to see if I could find some treasures. Well honestly I was looking for some jeans for my son. Anyway did not find any there. But I did find some treasures! First of all this cute crib sized quilt. This photo does not do it justice at all. The colors are vivid and bright. It is very thin - like a summer quilt - with no filling in it - just the top and the backing.

Ok - in this second photo - you will see the back of the above quilt. Isn't that fabric cute? And I could not pass up this small quilt with a small pillow and pillow case that matches the quilt. It is doll sized. I think my Granddaughter will love it! 
And the best part of finding these two treasures is that I only had to pay $1.00 each piece. So I left there only spending $2.17. That is a bargain - especially when I got home and really looked at each piece I found that there was a lot of hand quilting done -I am thinking all hand quilting on the top quilt for sure not sure about the small quilt. I know that the actual quilting was done by hand. 

I think it is because I am a quilter that I really value these types of things. There is a lot of work that is put into quilts and also into crafts. There is care and a part of the person is put in as well. So it is just a real joy to find things like this and especially for such a good deal! 

And oh my goodness! This next photo - I stopped by another thrift store - still looking for jeans, when I spotted this: 
It is a round table cloth! I did not buy it because - well - I don't have a round table. But after getting home and looking at this photo and seeing that it was only $2.50 - I am going to go by there again today and if it is  still there - I am buying it. I can figure out some way to use it - if not I can bless someone with it. I love bright colors like this. And since I have an appointment in the same town and will drive right past this store anyway - it will not be out of my way one bit. 
It amazes me some of the things I find at the thrift stores. Things I would not be able to find any other way. Real treasures - and I am sure that many of them have stories that are just as much treasures behind them - wish there was a way to hear those stories. 

1 comment:

  1. Someday I will have time to thrift store shop too! We have a lot where we live. I love the yellow cheery tablecloth~but like you~have no round table...


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34: Real Bread and Your Blood Sugar