Friday, May 4, 2012

Some Favorites, and Bad Surprises

Hello!! I realize that I have already done a post about on of my favorite yard tools. But I since I have been using it so much lately I wanted to share again how much I love it. It is my Black and Decker GrassHog. I love it! It has made the job of weed-eating something that I enjoy. It it so easy to start and use. 

Yesterday when I got home from work - I found that one of my chickens had died. I was so surprised. None had been acting sick or anything so we have no idea what happened to her. I really do not like to lose my chickens. Now we are down to 15.

We also found that a pretty big branch had broken off of our dead oak tree and fallen to the ground. Have no idea how it happened. I am so disappointed that we lost this tree. It is my favorite one and had most of my bird feeders on it. We got a couple of other limbs cut down from it yesterday and will be working towards cutting it down - don't want a limb to fall on any of us or our cats. 
This last photo is the stuff that I have been using to kill the poison ivy that is back in the corner of the yard. The same corner that we just got cleaned up and where I got my horrible case of poison ivy from. They have some smaller spray bottles that are cheaper. The reason this is so high is because you use like 4 or 6 oz. per gallon of water. So it lasts a long time. I just finished up the bottle of it that I bought about a year or so ago. And believe me - I have had to use it a lot. We had ALOT of poison ivy. 

Well that's it for today. I hope you all have a great week end! :o) 

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