Monday, April 30, 2012

Working in the Yard

Yesterday we spent a lot of time working in the yard. I got a lot of weed eating done, which felt great because it makes the yard look so much nicer. I have some more to get done and I will slowly work on it through the week. We tackled a job that has needed attention for quite some time now - we trimmed our bushes! This was a pretty big job. Lots of picking up leaves and branches and hauling them to the burn pile in the back yard. Oh I don't know if I shared this or not but about 2 - 3 weeks ago - we FINALLY got our LARGE burn pile burned!! It was so nice to finally get it done. It was like 2 years worth of branches and such and with all the work we have done in the yard these past 2 years - it was a LARGE pile. Anyway now we are filling it up again with stuff.
One sad story to tell about trimming the bushes. My husband had to get some loppers out to cut some thick branches - they had not been trimmed in 2 years so it was big job. Anyway after he cut a particular branch off - he noticed(before he the throw it to the pile) that there was a birds nest in it- with 2 small blue eggs in it. :o(
We then noticed some birds chirping nearby. Come to find out it was the nest of some cardinals. My husband put the branch back in the middle of the bush - so that hopefully the birds can hatch the eggs. I sure hope that it will work. Had no idea there could be a nest in there.
I also worked in my chicken coop. I shoveled out the layer of chicken manure out of the bottom of the coop. Then I got all the hay out of the laying bins and replaced it with nice fresh hay. I also worked on getting a compost pile going - well I had one going already in a smaller trashcan. I have a large trashcan that I am using to make a bigger compost pile. And I took the small trash can and poured it into the bigger one. I added the stuff from the bottom of the chicken coop and some fresh leaves and the hay from the bins. Oh when I poured the compost that I already had going - I was thrilled to see earth worms in it! I raked up some fresh leaves and put them in the small trash can to start working on decomposing them. I am looking forward to the results of having some great dirt when this stuff breaks down!
I got the chickens fresh water and watered our garden. Oh - I got my first zucchini this week end!! And have lots of yellow squash growing.
It was nice to get a lot of the jobs that I wanted to get done. I even had a little time to play in my sewing room. I am starting a new project- I was only able to do a little bit of the planning and seeing what I had and what I needed but it felt good to get started on this project.
I may be getting a bit paranoid - but after all of my work in the yard- I can inside and took a shower. Ever since my experience with poison ivy this past month(still having some problems with it- have 6 or so places that are still itching quite a bit) I am scared that I will get it again if I am not careful.
Anyway that is what we did. What did ya'll do this week end? :O)

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