Monday, April 9, 2012

Visiting Waco

This past week end we went to Waco for the week-end. We stopped by the Texas Ranger Museum. We got there one hour before they closed and it worked out great to us. However if any of you want to visit the Texas Ranger allow more time, especially if you have children.

They have a movie about the history of the Texas rangers that they show. And there is a bunch of things to read.
They have a lot of displays of guns and such. A display of Bonnie and Clyde memorabilia. There are a couple of guns that can be help - so see how heavy they feel- HEAVY.

And a gun that you can put together and take a part.

And the Texas Ranger Museum would not be complete without a display(or two) of Chuck Norris. They have a room that actually show cases different Rangers on TV.

I wanted to show you this photo - it has a 100.00, 500.00, and a 1,000.00 bill! I have never seen a 1000.00 bill before.

Oh and we went to Rudy's for supper. This was at the checkout. Only in Texas would they make Jalapeno Pecan Brittle!

We went to Cameron Park. We checked out Miss Nellie's Pretty Place. It is a Wildflower Garden. We walked through it. There were a few flowers here and there but not as full as I had hoped. Then we went to Circle Point. It was so calm and relaxing from up there. I love how our shadows showed up in the photo's.

I will tell more about our week end later in the week.


Well as you all know - I got poison ivy. Not fun. Thursday it was miserable and by Friday morning - I was trying my best to be seen by my Dr. I am SO glad that I did because it just kept spreading and I had a rough week end. My Dr put me on a cream and 2 pills. I am feeling some relief now, but I have to take pill for like a total of 16 days. And what is sad is that my poison ivy continues to spread. I was told that I could continue to break out for up to two weeks from exposure. Anyway I am SO thankful that i went to the Dr. :o)

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34: Real Bread and Your Blood Sugar