Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Great Addition to My Kitchen

Ok -- So I have a spiral notebook somewhere around here with a few blog post written in it - but I can not seem to find it. So today I will share about something really cool that we found. 

On our way home from Waco a few weeks ago, we stopped by Hillsboro and the outlet stores there. We went to the kitchen store and found this little gem. An onion keeper. And let me tell you what - it works!!! There have been way too many times when I cut up an onion and have to double bag it or wrap it in foil and then put it in a baggy trying to keep the onion flavor from getting into all of my stuff in the fridge. Well This bowl actually works! Not only does it keep the onion scent inside the bowl but it keeps the onion fresh longer. We would have to get rid of onion after just a few days cause they would get kind of see through and I would be concerned about them. Now we can use the onion till we have used the onion up. 
 The secret seems to be the stainless steel lid. In the photo above it looks like I did not have the lid shut completely. It seals nicely and does an excellent job at keeping the onion fresh.

Sometimes I buy gadgets and such for the kitchen -and I am disappointed and wish I had not spent the money. Other times - I am thrilled with what I have found~ and this is one of those times. Just wanted to share.

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34: Real Bread and Your Blood Sugar