Today on my way home from getting groceries, I noticed my thermometer on my car read - 109. Well by the time I got to a turn and was able to take a photo to show you all - it was down 107. Still super hot!

I think it has been 100 or more all week long maybe even longer than that. And it will probably be in the 100's for the next week or so. I am praying for some rain. I know right before July 4
th I heard on the radio that 236 counties in Texas were under a burn ban. And there have been and is a wild fire going right now. They have it 75% under control. Sad thing is that a fire fighter was killed yesterday fighting the fires. And then another one a 39 year old (I am thinking that you all may have heard of this one)one was at a Rangers game and was trying to get a ball for his 6 year old son, that was thrown to him by Josh Hamilton and he leaned too far over the edge and fell 20 feet.
When they were loading him up into ambulance he was moving his arms and legs. So you can imagine how shocked we were about 10 minutes later to see that he had died.
Such a sad thing. My heart goes out to the family - of both families that have lost a loved one this week.
Well I am one tired girl. It has been a busy week. It will feel good to lay my head on my pillow in just a little while. Ya'll have a great week end! :o)
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