One of the things that really got me thinking about all of this is the fact that it has been so hot - we are on day 30 of the triple digit temperatures. And there is no end in sight - see:
Well at least for a week or so. Anyway my hair has gotten longer and I really like it long, but with it being so hot - I have to have it up in a pony tail so often and really don't like my hair in a pony tail. So in the past - when it gets this hot I have usually just went and got my hair cut short and then once it cooled off I would let it grow. Well about the time that it got to a nice length it would be hot again and I would get it cut short again. This year I decided I was going to try my hardest to let it continue to grow. And believe me - it has been hard. I have been discontented and have thought about having it cut. Then I started thinking about how this very hot weather really causes a lot of that discontent feelings and that it is not really a good time to make some decisions - especially the really important ones - like to get a divorce.
So anyway that is my point to this whole post - if you are feeling discontent with life right now- don't make any major decisions unless you really feel moved by God to make those decisions. Because there is a really good chance that those discontent feelings are just being brought on by this heat wave. Pray and ask God to lead in your life and pray for contentment. He can answer that prayer as well. And while you are at it could you pray for rain! Thanks :O)