Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Quilting Corner

Recently I discovered a new way to do something. The last two steps in order to finish a quilt out and be very time consuming. First you machine sew your binding onto the front of your quilt and then you flip it around the the back, pin it down and then begin to hand sew it down. Depending on of the size of your quilt this can take a lot of time - or a whole lot of time for the larger quilts. This job can be kind of fun in the winter time because of the cold - you can just spread the quilt onto your lap and begin working. But in the summer time this job is not quite as enjoyable if you try to do it the same way you do it in the winter time.

Since it has been so hot out - later in the day I have been spending more and more time in my sewing room. I have quite a list of projects I would like to finish up this summer. Well I have a couple of quilts that were just waiting for me to sew the binding on. So this got me thinking -how can I do this job here in my sewing room without getting really hot and it occurred to me that I could use my ironing board as a table and lay the quilt across it and begin to work on it. This works great because my husband has set up a TV above my work space so I can sit there and watch movies, sermons or my favorite shows - what ever I am in the mood for. So far I have one small side of a queen sized quilt done! It would be more but there is just one little problem with doing it this way. Well to be honest this happens to me whether I have the quilt just in my lap or up on the ironing board. For some reasons my cats really think that I am making these quilts for them. And so they like to curl up in them. I had a photo of this and how I have the quilt on my ironing board but for some reason I can not upload it.

Anyway I look forward to getting a few of my projects done and moving on to a few more projects I would like to work on. I just have too many projects going to really justifiably start a new project. :o)

1 comment:

  1. What a good idea! I have never thought of using the ironing board to help hold it up. I know what you mean--during the Winter, it is nice and cozy. But during the Summer, who wants cozy?! My cats always think the quilts are for them as well!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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