Friday, June 10, 2011

Changes on the Outside/Changes on the Inside as well

Today I am having kind of hard day, so I thought I would share with you all some photos of some of the beauty from around our house. I love these pots that are on my front porch. I got them last year for a really good deal, can't remember how much exactly but for cement planters it was a great deal - or I wouldn't have been able to buy them. I got some good dirt and some pretty flowers and go out and water them ever day to every other day.

Here is my $5.00 hanging plant. I have heard that they are called Moss Rose's. And I love them. The leaves are fat. And the flowers are open only about half of the time - like during the day light hours and then they close. It has a lot of blooms during the day. I had just gotten the plant taken out to our front porch when I took this photo.

These are the same kind of flowers - but yellow. I really like them. The flowers are so vibrant. These bring beauty to my back yard.

Here is my bird bath that I had to move back a few feet since we built our back porch. The planters on either side are the ones that I found for $3.50 this week. I love these flowers. The color sure is wonderful for my back yard.

It is funny- several months ago while I was at Krogers I bought this plant:
And ever since then - I want to bring more beauty into my life. I always have wanted more beauty, I just would did not think that I could get to where I wanted. So instead I just put my energy else where - not always good places. But as I have been going to my 12 step meetings and we recite the Serenity prayer every meeting, I am learning that when there are things I can change - that I can ask God for the courage to do so. And it has been amazing what I have been able to accomplish around here since I have figured this out. There are somethings I can not change- like other people but I can make these changes in my yard. And at the same time I feel like changes are taking place inside of me as well. But it is so cool to be able to visibly see the changes taking place around my house. I am hoping to be able to take some of this energy and work towards getting the inside of my house in better shape. This is a much harder arena - since half the stuff is not mine so there are some areas of my house that I really can not change. But I will slowly work towards changing the areas I can. :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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