This week-end my husband, son and my son's friend went on a camping/fishing trip. So I had a nice quiet week-end. Sunday morning rolled around and I decided I wanted to tackle one of the things on my long "To Do" list. Well it did not take me long to figure out that the job I had picked was much bigger and harder than I had even imagined. One one side of our house - the side that has the AC unit - we have a couple of trees. And lots and lots of
briar's had grown up into the trees and lots of over grown. I sure wish I had have thought to take a photo at the very beginning of this project, but I did think to take one when I was about 1/3 of the way done.

I learned that when the
briars have grown up into the trees they like to weave themselves around anything they can which makes it much harder to pull them down. I ended up having to just work with a piece or two of
briar until I could get it to come down. It was kind of like a puzzle - I had to just try different
briars until I could get one down and some how removing that one helped make another one a little looser. It was a BIG job. And I will NOT be letting it go again. I will have to be
diligent to keep up with that area(and the other areas I have been working on) and keep them at a reasonably doable job.

Here is my after photo! Isn't that 100% better? There are still a couple of little trees between the two oak trees that I want to cut down but they are too big for me to use my
loppers for. S0 I am hoping we get our chain saw fixed soon and get them cut down.
It has amazed me at the things I have been able to accomplish, jobs that for a long time just seemed overwhelming. But once I put my mind to getting them done. And prayed and asked God for wisdom and strength - then I was able to accomplish them. I have more jobs around here to do and slowly but surely I will get them done. I am thinking next year when spring comes around - I will be getting out to get any of the things that are out of hand taken care of. Yesterday I worked from about 8-noon - and it was hot and I was sweating big time. I was glad that I had waited till after that job was done to take my shower for the day. The high for yesterday was 99. So those of you in cooler regions - I know you must get tired of cold weather, but just remember it could be running in the hundreds. And I am afraid with us already almost at 100 - that it will be one long hot summer here. So I will get these things taken care of and then I will just have to plan my jobs for in the morning hours or the evenings. :o)
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