Thursday, June 30, 2011
Healthy IS Better
On Tuesday my Mother in law had an appointment with a surgeon. She had been dealing with an infection for 3 - 4 months. She had taken 4 - 5 rounds of powerful antibiotics and still the infection would not go away.
She left the Dr. office at about 1:45pm after being told that she would have surgery the next day to remove the infection. But that they would call her with the time.
She got back to the store(that she owns and runs and that I work at) at about 2:00pm. There was a lot of things that she wanted to take care of before the procedure would be done. But she waited by the phone. At 4:30pm she called the Dr. office asking if they knew what time yet. they told her -"Oh someone will call you."
All this time I was kind of stressing out. I knew that I would have to do my job, do the bookwork and deposit and cover for her on the grill. But there was also a chance that I might have to take her to the hospital. And the not knowing if that would be my responsibility, on top of a lot of other stuff in my life stressed me out.
Anyway I decided to get myself a root beer - sounds harmless, right? Well I had also gotten one the day before and then I had not had time to fix a good meal for myself so ate junk and by yesterday afternoon I was feeling it. I had a headache and was very tired.
Well this morning, before going to work I took the time o make a batch of my black bean with corn chili. I also took the time to eat a good breakfast of a peach, banana, an orange and my oat groats.
With my black bean with corn chili for lunch I had a few raw carrots. I also did a better job at drinking my water. It is a lot easier when you do no drink sodas.
So I confess to making bad choices and believe me I have paid for it. And I have to say that Healthy is better.
Now to get off of here and get to bed. I have really been trying to get to back on my schedule of going to bed at a decent time. I should already be in bed. But I had written up this post earlier and just had to post it today to make it true for how it is written. Make the right choices to take care of you - you are worth it. :o)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Quilting Corner
Since it has been so hot out - later in the day I have been spending more and more time in my sewing room. I have quite a list of projects I would like to finish up this summer. Well I have a couple of quilts that were just waiting for me to sew the binding on. So this got me thinking -how can I do this job here in my sewing room without getting really hot and it occurred to me that I could use my ironing board as a table and lay the quilt across it and begin to work on it. This works great because my husband has set up a TV above my work space so I can sit there and watch movies, sermons or my favorite shows - what ever I am in the mood for. So far I have one small side of a queen sized quilt done! It would be more but there is just one little problem with doing it this way. Well to be honest this happens to me whether I have the quilt just in my lap or up on the ironing board. For some reasons my cats really think that I am making these quilts for them. And so they like to curl up in them. I had a photo of this and how I have the quilt on my ironing board but for some reason I can not upload it.
Anyway I look forward to getting a few of my projects done and moving on to a few more projects I would like to work on. I just have too many projects going to really justifiably start a new project. :o)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A Big Job and Busy Week

It has continued to be hot around here. My temperature thing says that it is 102.4 right now - 5:40pm. That is so sad. I am fixing to get off of here and go turn the water on and run it into my "creek bed" for my chickens. I think I might work in my sewing room this evening. The rest of the week will be stressful because my MIL is having a procedure tomorrow which will mean that I have to cover for her on the grill - 10:30am - 2:30pm and then I will also have to take care of the bookwork for the store. And may have some other extra stuff to do. Right now we are waiting to find out what time it will be. I may have to take her the hospital. Just don't know yet. :o)
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Season and A Time
Anyway back to this morning- I was thinking about when just months ago we had gotten a lot of rain(hardly any for the last couple of months though) and how it was kind of dreary for days. Then I was thinking about how we had snow and it was COLD. And again dreary out. I was thinking during those dreary days - the hot sun of the summer months would be so refreshing just every now and then. And thinking how cool it would be to be able to have some cold days here and there and some hot days here and there.
Well then I started thinking how in the Bible it says that there is a time for this and a time for that:
To everything there is a season, and
a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and
a time to die;
a time to plant, and
a time to pluck up
that which is planted;
A time to kill, and
a time to heal;
a time to break down, and
a time to build up;
A time to weep, and
a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and
a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and
a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and
a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and
a time to lose;
a time to keep, and
a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and
a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and
a time to speak;
A time to love, and
a time to hate;
a time of war; and
a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
It seems to me that God like things in an orderly fashion. And things may be hot now but they will not be hot for ever. Just like things in your life may be tough or really hard but that won't last for ever either. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. This too shall pass. And something very important to remember is that no matter what "time" you are going through, God is there ready and willing to comfort you and strengthen you. Run to Jesus and rest in His loving arms. :o)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I Love Vintage Avon Perfume Bottles!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sabbath Praises
If we will allow Him - God can use all of the difficult situations that we go through to bring about His perfect will in our lives. Have questions - just read Romans 8:28 and while you are at it read the whole chapter. And don't stop there - keep reading where ever God leads you to read in His Holy Word. :o)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Needing Some Creative Help
It's Hot Out There

Monday, June 20, 2011
Some Good News
Total Cholesterol -241 ---- now- 246
HDL- 37 ----- now 49 _Wow! I have always had a low number in this area -happy it is up.
LDL - 170 ---now- 173
trigl. - 169 ---now 118 - a major drop! yay!
My iron was bit low so I will be taking iron for a while. This is not new to me, when I was younger I had some problems.
Everything else looks good. I was thrilled. I will be going back in 6 months to have some more blood work done. I am hoping to see some more improvements. I am so glad that I have made the changes in my diet and lifestyle and to see the improvements is great!
Hoping you all are doing good! :o)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I'm still here..
It has been very hot here in Texas this past week - or so- like in the hundreds already. And that is very sad. Last year it did not even hit 100's till mid to late July. So we are really in for it this year. Or maybe ... just maybe we will get the hot out of the way and then go right into Spring. Not. Not in Texas anyways. It has been so hot that this morning when I went to let my chickens out and feed them - I found one of my easter egg chickens dead on the roost. That broke my heart. I hate to lose my girls. I will have to be more vigilant and make sure I get out there every day and run some water in the creek bed so that they are encouraged to drink more water. Yesterday I was busy with something else - and I did not get to doing that and feel a bit guilty -that maybe if I had have made sure I did that, I probably would not have lost her.
I will really try to get on here later this afternoon and write a post. There have been some things on my heart lately and I am praying about whether to share them or not.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Seeing Special Things in Nature

After I got home- I was working at my kitchen sink and looked outside and noticed one of my little squirrel friends. So I slowly went to the back door in the sun room - and got my cell phone out and just put it up against the window and was able to capture a few photos of him. It was so cute to watch him scamper around our yard - finding nuts and things of interest. And of course he had to get a drink at the bird bath.

This bird bath serves a lot of different purposes- of course - my squirrels love to drink out of it, birds love to bath in it and drink, my cat even likes to get the occasional drink, and some local bees love to drink out of it. I love the nature that is in my yard. :o)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Another Day's Work

Well I decided to work on a different tree, since there was such a strong smell of poison.
So this is a photo of a tree that is at the back corner of our chicken pen. I had already cut a few things out. For some reason my main concern is to get these jobs done and then an after thought is that I can share about it on here. Sorry for not having totally before photos- it would give a much clearer of photo of what I am doing. I was so pleased with what the results were once I got done cleaning up this area.
Now - I do miss the fact that all of the branches and such did kind of create wall of privacy - but I would much rather have our yard look nice.
I also cleaned up the trees to the right in the photo. There a tree that is to the far right that I want to work on cleaning up but that will be another day. Once I get all of these trees cleaned up - I have piles and piles of limbs and some small, whole trees to carry over to our burn pile. And of course, my chicken's were helping out. Do you see the yellow chicken in the middle? She is laying down just enjoying herself.
By the way, yesterday at 7pm - our thermometer said 100 degrees. Just thought I would share our 7 day forecast. I am worried that we are going to have a hot summer with the temps already being this high. I hope you all have a great day! I am cleaned up and have a list of stuff to do inside and also some errands to run. :o)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
More Work Done in My Yard

Speaking of that, I drive down the road and see all sorts of pretty trees - you know the kinds with white or pink buds growing up by the road. Well I am wondering when these miscellaneous trees start growing in my yard - why can't they be those pretty trees instead of the ones with thorns?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Changes on the Outside/Changes on the Inside as well

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Did You Know that God uses Loppers? Well He Does - Kind Of
I have found it quite amusing that since I have been learning what it takes to make trees look nice- as I drive places I notice how some trees are really pretty and some not so much so. I now realize that in order to have pretty trees you have to clean up that growth that really does not belong. You have to cut down the briar's and pull them out of those trees. There is a lot of work. It is not just something that happens without some hard work put in. As I have been thinking of this - I began to understand the way a person grows in Christ. It does not happen all on its own without some hard, painful work involved. Only when we allow God to use his loppers to help cut away that which does not edify our lives. And cut those briar's out and pull them out. Sometimes this is painful for us. But the end result is so worth it.
I think from now on, I will not be able to look at these major areas in my yard that I have cleaned up without remembering that lesson that I have learned and that I too am a work in process.
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands." Psalms 138:8
"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" Philippians 1:6
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Hitting the Jackpot!

I noticed some really cute flowers on clearance at HEB but did not see them till I had left - so I might just have to run back up there tomorrow for a couple of them for my flowerbed that we just put in the front yard today - this flower bed is around a Red bud tree that we planted. I am so happy to see all the great improvements around my yard.
The job that I began the day with - was clearing up the area between a couple of trees on one side of our driveway. And trimming a lot of the branches down that were hanging way low. I am sorry - I just keep forgetting to take photos. But believe me it looks better. We still need to get our chain saw fixed cause there are a few things that need to be cut down several different places around the yard. I just make a list and hope that one of these days this job can be crossed off of the list. Well I hope that you all are finding beauty around you. :o)
Added: It looks like Greek oregano is the most common used oregano - so it looks like I got the right stuff! Yay! I have not used a lot of fresh herbs but I have always thought that the idea of having an herb garden sounded cool - and not I will be able to have one! :O)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
My Chickens are Benefitting from my Work
I decided to leave some of the large limbs that I have cut down in the chicken pen so that they could enjoy them. They like to eat some of the leaves and I think the leaves are cool because I am noticing some of the chickens just laying down in that area. I will leave them there a couple of days and then I will move the limbs to our trash pile.
In the back ground of the photo you can see that a tarp that we had over the chicken run area, for shade and to prevent as much rain and mess in that area, has torn and is no longer doing its job. Well we have bought a new tarp - this is just a job that I am hoping to be able to get help to do. If I don't get help soon - I will just see if it is one of the jobs that I can actually do. I probably can- I just think it will be easier with help. Right now I have a list of stuff I still want to get done, so I will just slowly but surely get these jobs done.
The above photo is taken from my desk in my bedroom. I love my view. I love to sit there an watch my chickens. They really like this area of their pen. Do you see their swimming pool - the white thing to the right in the photo? Well I know it is not really big enough for them to swim, but they do enjoy wading in the water. So I just work on trying to keep the water pretty clean - since they walk through it and drink on it.
Do you see the board that goes across the "creek bed?" Since it is now in the 90-100 degree area - I try to turn the water on and let it run for a few minutes every day(that it is really hot) so that they can have a cool place. :o)
Monday, June 6, 2011
All in a Days Work

It has amazed me at the things I have been able to accomplish, jobs that for a long time just seemed overwhelming. But once I put my mind to getting them done. And prayed and asked God for wisdom and strength - then I was able to accomplish them. I have more jobs around here to do and slowly but surely I will get them done. I am thinking next year when spring comes around - I will be getting out to get any of the things that are out of hand taken care of. Yesterday I worked from about 8-noon - and it was hot and I was sweating big time. I was glad that I had waited till after that job was done to take my shower for the day. The high for yesterday was 99. So those of you in cooler regions - I know you must get tired of cold weather, but just remember it could be running in the hundreds. And I am afraid with us already almost at 100 - that it will be one long hot summer here. So I will get these things taken care of and then I will just have to plan my jobs for in the morning hours or the evenings. :o)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sabbath Praise
I know I have shared this song before, but this has been an extremely stressful week and when I heard it on the radio yesterday- I just knew that this was the song I needed to share today. I hope if any of you find yourself in difficult situations that you will call on Jesus - He is our hope and our strength, and He can make us well. Praise God! :O)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Lessons Learned Along This Journey
Another thing that I have learned with help from my sponsor is that in order to be a peacemaker -means that I don't cause strife. It does NOT mean that I need to work out ALL the problems around me. I am only responsible for MY side of the street and if I do my best to keep MY side clean - that is ALL I can really do.
I have shared with you all that my Mother is not speaking to me. Well it still hurts but I am trusting that God knows what is best and that I am right where I am suppose to be.
I have another situation with my son's MIL and we have come to a place of agreeing to disagree - and that is actually pretty freeing to me. I had not lived up to an expectation that she had of me and I apologized and there is really nothing else that I can do. And so I have made sure that my side of the street is clean and you know what? I am at peace. And that is very new for me. Before I would be all stressed out and sad because someone did not like me.
I have also realized that while Jesus was on earth that not everyone like Him. This is a man that went around loving and healing people - and people still found reasons why they did not like Him. So I have to realize that I live in a sinful world and there is NO way that I can please everyone. So the best thing to do is to do my best to please God and to be kind and loving and allow other people to be themselves - even if that means that they choose not to like me. Accepting ourselves and other people is probably one of the best things that we can do. Accepting them does not mean that we have to agree with them.
So there you have it - along this journey- I am learning all sorts of lessons and along the way God is giving me the strength, courage and wisdom needed. And that is really the best news of all! :o)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My Favorite Things
Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...