Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our Afternoon Excitement!

Yesterday afternoon my husband and son were out back working on the chicken coop. I had just dumped some bags of birdseed into containers in the back yard. I went into the house and noticed my little black cat by the back door leading into the garage. Well I needed to take the birdseed bags out to the trashcans. I looked out the back door and noticed that our outside cat was laying a couple of feet away. Not thinking anything of it I opened the back door wide. Finkle, out door cat, jumped up ran towards the door. He made a pit stop to pick up the rat that lay on the rug at the door. It happened so quickly that I did not realize he had the rat till he was in the HOUSE. Well I must have scared him with my hollering cause he dropped the rat. Well I tried to get the rat with my picker upper, with no success. He picked up the rat and I did my best to get in front of him to keep him from going too much further through the house. I grabbed my phone to call my son in the house. Luckily my husband walked in about that time and we all three did our best and finally got the rat and the cat out of the house. It was a fun afternoon. I will be more vigilant to check for presents on my back rug before I open that door, or any other door. :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Milestone or Moments? part 3

I am very slowly working through Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" study. It has a real blessing, but can be a bit heavy at times s...