Then once our lives were a bit more back to normal and I was feeling like blogging again - I came to work on a post and could not get into Blogger. Now it seems that all those problems have been resolved as well.
So this week - I had to work more than usual because my son ended up getting bronchitis. One day after work - I was really needing gas and so I drove to a favorite gas station nearby. Now this gas station is only about 1/2 mile down the street from one of my favorite Goodwill's and I could not pass up stopping by to see if there were any treasures to be found and sure enough, there were. I found a great set of Tupperware measuring cups! I love Tupperware measuring cups - and I don't care what color they are - they are wonderful. And for $1.50 - I was excited to get them!

One more thing that I would like to share today. I have been reading along with the Blogging through the Gospels. And today as I was reading- a question that I have had was answered. And it got me thinking- it is really important to read through our Bibles because the Bible will answer alot of the questions that we have - of course with the help of the Holy Spirit. Something that I have been doing is taking notes as I go along and that way I can refer back to it when I have questions. Anyway - if you are not already doing so - it would be well worth it to start reading your Bible through. And remember if you would rather begin reading in Matthew that is perfectly fine. You will get a blessing reading your Bible - I know I sure have.
Well I do hope that everyone is doing good. Have a wonderful week end! :o)
Love your Goodwill treasures! It's so neat when Jesus helps us find stuff like that--little presents from Him! :) So glad you are back--I missed you. You and the rest of the family are in prayers for whatever was going on. With Blogger down I couldn't get the past two days of Blogging through the Gospels done, but hope to get back into a regular schedule myself now.... Happy Sabbath!