Thursday, January 23, 2025

Guide and Direct

 My Dad used to always ask God to guide and direct him when he prayed. This was my first introduction of the idea of surrendering to God and allowing Him to direct our paths. Sadly, I just didn't get it. It took years for me to fully understand the importance of truly allowing Him to guide me along the right path. 

Years later a special couple at my church had a weekly 12 step type meetings at our church. While attending, I slowly began to understand the importance of surrender. 

It was a real slow go at learning this concept. But God is very patient. He doesn't rush a person faster than they are able to grasp and understand. It's taken a lifetime, really, but about 14 years ago I became more willing to learn this and that is an important part - being willing. God isn't going to force us. But if we are willing, He will slowly guide us. 

I am so thankful for this lesson, and I am thankful for God's patience. 

God has done some amazing things in my life and some of them have even shocked me. I plan on sharing how God has been working on me over the last 14 years or so. Can you tell I am a slow learner? 14 years.... It has been cool to look back and see how each thing was a steppingstone to where I am today. Still on a journey - but a journey in which God is the one directing my steps.  

My Dad is at the very end of his life at the moment. He is in the last stages of Alzheimer's.  It is so very sad and I pray that God will help him not have to suffer too much. And that he will have peace and comfort. I also thank God that He gave me a praying father who, in his prayers gave me an important key to what a relationship with God was all about... allowing God to direct our steps. 


  1. I am praying for you and your dad! I think all of us are slow learners! But God is so patient and loving with us! And the important thing is you haven’t given up—and He never gives up on us. . .


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)