Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Some of my Goals for the Year!

 Ten days into the month and I finally get a chance to hop on the computer and share a few of my goals for the year. It's been a busy couple of weeks - who am I kidding - busy couple of months, maybe even years. 

So I hope you were able to get some goals up for yourself for the year. I know that many people don't like to make New Years Resolutions because let's face it so many times we fail. And sometimes it's just easier to handle not even setting resolutions than to keep failing year after year. But I have decided to set goals for myself. And set them in a way that even if I fail, I do not entirely give up. So if I were to set a goal of losing weight and let say that a week or 2 goes by and you don't see a change on the scales you are more than likely going to give up. When we set up our goals we need to give ourselves a reasonable amount of time to achieve said goals. And we also need to stick to working towards our goals.

Stay with working towards your goals - no matter what bumps come along the way. This will mean that we will STAY THE COURSE. No matter if like me with in the last 10 days I have failed at some of my goals already- I will not give up. I will try to do better tomorrow. 

Ok - on to some of my goals: 

  • I want to work better at staying off of my devices till after quiet time. I want my time with Jesus to be a priority. I do go get myself a glass of water and because I have cats who would bother me if I do not feed them - they get fed before quiet time. But then -I do my best to get to my quiet time. I am reading an excellent book (that I highly recommend) and it is something I look forward to reading each morning. It has given me more wonderful insight into who God really is. And I am only halfway through reading it. 
  • I have studied a little about how good rebounding (think mini trampoline) is for a person. And how it helps keep the lymph system moving and working right. It helps strengthen the core, which is very important. It is amazing how if the core if stronger it helps alleviate pain sometimes as well. One video I watch the Dr suggested using it 5 minutes 3 times a day to start and then 10 minutes 3 times a day and then 15 minutes 2 times a day. Right now my goal is to at least use it for 5 minute a if at all possible. There have been days I have gotten a second 5 minutes in but because where we have our rebounder at the moment - sometimes it is challenging to get more in. But I can always do other exercising as well and that is what I have tried to do. I am trying to so some weight workouts and trying to get more walking in as well. Exercise is VERY important for your health and well being. And some this is something high on my list of goals. 
  • I am also working on eating more healthfully. It is important to give our bodies the important nutrients that it needs. And to do this we need to make good decisions on what we put into our bodies. One way I will work towards achieving this goal is that I will be participating in a small group that a lady from my church is doing with this book: 
  • I would like to continue towards getting more organized. I have a home management binder that I set up years ago. To be perfectly frank - I have not utilized it as I should have been doing. So this year I am adding a few more sections which will help me in several different ways. I have a budget section where I am keeping track of our bills and when they are paid. I have a spend\no spend calendar page of each month. I put a green check mark on days I don't spend any money and on days I do - I am writing in where and how much spent. I am also keeping track of money spent on Amazon, Walmart(orders), thrift stores and grocery stores. With grocery stores I am separating how much spent on food, pets, cleaning supplies, misc., paper goods, etc. This way I can get a better idea of how much money we are spending in each area. 
  • Speaking of organizing - I am also slowly working on getting my home more organized as well, one drawer at a dime. Slow but steady work towards being more organized.  
So these are the basic goals I have. I want to be healthier and I want to be more organized but most important is that I want to put God first! 

I hope that if you have not set goals for yourself that maybe my list will inspire some thoughts of where you would like to see improvements in your life and start working in those areas. 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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