Monday, January 8, 2024

Natural Antibiotics - Sharing again - Just in case needed

 I shared this recipe just a couple of months ago but since I have family members sick and needed to make this stuff up - I decided to share recipe again. I also plan on using less garlic than this recipe calls for and probably more onion- I also plan on using both red and yellow onions - just in case by using both it helps get a few more helpful ingredients into it. 

I plan on making a jar for them and a jar for me as well. This is great as a preventive as well. And great to have on hand during this time of year when A LOT of sickness is going around. 

I hope you all are well. 

Natural Antibiotics 

1 bulb of garlic (15-20 cloves) 

1 onion (preferably red- or purple as my husband and I call them) 

1/4 cup ginger - my friend only used about the size of her thumb but a little fatter - wasn't as much as 1/4 cup - she knew that just might be too much for me- she was probably right) 

1 T honey (or more) 

2 lemons - juiced


Smash garlic ~ Wait 15 minutes so properties can be activated 

Cut everything into small pieces ( My friend uses a hand held food processor- I will share a photo of what she uses at the end) 

Mix all the ingredients together. Put into a quart sized jar and cover with purified water. 

Put jar in a pan with water, bring the water in the pan to a boil, once it gets to boiling turn off the heat and let cool down. Keep in fridge. Can last up to a month in the fridge. 


When you are real sick it was suggested to take 1 tablespoon every hour while you are awake. 

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