Friday, July 21, 2023

Steps to Christ ~ Recovery Edition....series 1a

 Last week end I found an awesome book!! I just love it when God provides great books for me to read! The price on the back of the book says $10.00 - I paid $1.00 if not less (the way the lady at the thrift store figures the price when you get several things is in her head and so it's hard to tell for sure how much. But for the $10.91 we paid we got my husband 2 pairs of Dickies over alls and a couple of toys as well as this book! What a Deal!! I will be sharing tidbits from this book with you all in a series. I am just picking the quotes that really speak to me that I think will bless you. But believe me the whole book is well worth the time to read!! May God bless you! :O) 

"Jesus always spoke kindly, even when He told someone a difficult truth. He listened thoughtfully and gave each person his full attention when He talked with them. He was never rude; He never spoke harshly; and He never hurt anyone. Jesus didn't criticize people for being weak or for having faults. Instead, He told them the truth with love. Even when Jesus spoke against hypocrisy, unbelieve, and evil, there were tears in His voice. Jesus cried over Jerusalem, the city He loved. His heart broke for the people who had refused to receive Him, the one who was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. They had rejected Him, even though He was the only one who could save them from their dysfunctions and addictions. But despite their rejection, He still cared deeply about them. He always looked out for others even when it meant personal loss for Himself. Every person was important to Him. Even though He was the son of God, Jesus was never too good for anyone. He took special interest in the life of every person He met, no matter how little they mattered to anyone else. In every wounded person He saw a friend that He had come to save."

From an awesome book I found this week. "Steps to Christ~ Recovery Edition" by Cheri Peters with Sophie Berecz

quote found in chapter 1 

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