Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Money Saving series


Today's tip is to be sure and compare prices. It is very important. Here is a great example. So I wanted to pick up a couple of packs of this ranch dressing seasoning packets. I pulled out a package or two. Then I thought it might be a good idea to stock up a bit. And I almost grabbed the box of ranch dressing and then I stopped and I thought no way. They want 48 cents more to buy 4 pack in a box then if I just bought 4 single packages. Wow! 
Be sure and compare- you might be surprised. I know I was surprised when I was at TSC and my husband asked about a 40 pound bag of chicken feed - come to find out when I compared - I would save $4.00 by buying the smaller. And not just because it was less feed. I took the price of the largest bag and divided it by 50 - for the amount of pounds and then took that amount and multiplied it by the 40 and found that I would save at least $4.00 buying the brand that sold the 40 pound bags- plus the bag is easy to carry and dump- double win. 

Even if you think that what you are doing is a good deal- be willing to compare ever so often to make sure that you are still getting a good deal. 

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