Friday, July 28, 2023

Steps to Christ~ Recovery Edition.....series 1b

 "Through Jesus, God poured out His relentless love upon a bruised and broken world. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." (2 Corinthians 5:19). God suffered with His son. In the agony of Jesus' suffering and His awful death on the cross, God paid the price for our full recovery.

Only the Son of God could save us, because only He was close enough to the Father's heart to be able to show us God's passionate love. Nothing less than the enormous sacrifice Jesus made for sinners could give us a clear picture of the Father's vast love for us."

~ From the awesome book "Steps to Christ~ recovery edition" by Cheri Peters with Sophia Berecz
quote found in chapter 1

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Money Saving series


Today's tip is to be sure and compare prices. It is very important. Here is a great example. So I wanted to pick up a couple of packs of this ranch dressing seasoning packets. I pulled out a package or two. Then I thought it might be a good idea to stock up a bit. And I almost grabbed the box of ranch dressing and then I stopped and I thought no way. They want 48 cents more to buy 4 pack in a box then if I just bought 4 single packages. Wow! 
Be sure and compare- you might be surprised. I know I was surprised when I was at TSC and my husband asked about a 40 pound bag of chicken feed - come to find out when I compared - I would save $4.00 by buying the smaller. And not just because it was less feed. I took the price of the largest bag and divided it by 50 - for the amount of pounds and then took that amount and multiplied it by the 40 and found that I would save at least $4.00 buying the brand that sold the 40 pound bags- plus the bag is easy to carry and dump- double win. 

Even if you think that what you are doing is a good deal- be willing to compare ever so often to make sure that you are still getting a good deal. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Steps to Christ ~ Recovery Edition....series 1a

 Last week end I found an awesome book!! I just love it when God provides great books for me to read! The price on the back of the book says $10.00 - I paid $1.00 if not less (the way the lady at the thrift store figures the price when you get several things is in her head and so it's hard to tell for sure how much. But for the $10.91 we paid we got my husband 2 pairs of Dickies over alls and a couple of toys as well as this book! What a Deal!! I will be sharing tidbits from this book with you all in a series. I am just picking the quotes that really speak to me that I think will bless you. But believe me the whole book is well worth the time to read!! May God bless you! :O) 

"Jesus always spoke kindly, even when He told someone a difficult truth. He listened thoughtfully and gave each person his full attention when He talked with them. He was never rude; He never spoke harshly; and He never hurt anyone. Jesus didn't criticize people for being weak or for having faults. Instead, He told them the truth with love. Even when Jesus spoke against hypocrisy, unbelieve, and evil, there were tears in His voice. Jesus cried over Jerusalem, the city He loved. His heart broke for the people who had refused to receive Him, the one who was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. They had rejected Him, even though He was the only one who could save them from their dysfunctions and addictions. But despite their rejection, He still cared deeply about them. He always looked out for others even when it meant personal loss for Himself. Every person was important to Him. Even though He was the son of God, Jesus was never too good for anyone. He took special interest in the life of every person He met, no matter how little they mattered to anyone else. In every wounded person He saw a friend that He had come to save."

From an awesome book I found this week. "Steps to Christ~ Recovery Edition" by Cheri Peters with Sophie Berecz

quote found in chapter 1 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Money Saving Tips...series

8 Essential Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Microwaves, Washers And Dryers!
Today's Money saving tip is about taking better care of the things we have so they last longer. 
I had decided to go to doing my laundry 1 time a week - with one dark load and one light load, however after watching this video I realized I could be doing harm to my washer by washing too big of loads. I have a top loader wash machine- and according to this guy - it is not a good idea to over load them. So instead of just doing laundry 1 time a week - I will be watching my laundry hamper to decide when I need to wash the load of clothes. So it may be more than one time. But I am using my dryer less and less. Not using the dishwasher at all. I stopped using it, mostly several years ago. Ever so often we run a load but I think during this hot summer - I will just wait till summer time is over to do my next load. I know when I stopped using it I noticed our bill lowered a good amount. And I am perfectly fine with not using it very much. Enjoy the video! :O)  

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Money Saving Tips...series

 This weeks money saving idea is Spend Your Money At The Grocery Store NOT Restaurant! You can have the same meals at a fraction of the cost by fixing it yourself. 

I have to be honest - we are not always good about following this one, but I think we are getting better with this one. The truth is ever so often we like to go out. One thing has happened recently that will make it easier for us to say no about going to our favorite mexican restaurant. They used to make their own ranch dressing and it was SO delicious! Yummy!! But then they were short handed and not able to make it so had to go to a less delicious ranch dressing. Then prices began to climb and then climb again. So quality slowly went down hill and prices up hill. I totally understand with the economy the way it is. But I am glad that we recognized these issues because it makes it where it is not so hard not to go. 

Thankfully we have some reward points that we get when we use our credit card- and we can use them for gift cards - so we can use those to go out sometimes. And this is nice because we can go out without money out of our pockets. 

But like I said in at the beginning when you spend your money at a grocery store on food - you can make great meals at a fraction of the cost of eating out. My husband loves bbq - so we bought a brisket and he will cook it up in the smoker today. We will then divide it into several meals. One of which is a baked potato with bbq brisket on top. And my husband makes us tanglers- just like Dickie's BBQ used to do before they shut down. So we can have that same meal at much less cost to us. We will use some of it and then we will put some in freezer for individual meals for later. 

I used to hate to spend very much on meat - probably because i am not a big meat eater, but when I realized that my husband really wants his meat and if it is not served at home - then he is more tempted to eat out. So I am willing to spend more money on meat now. It really is a good investment. It helps the money stretch further. Buying groceries to make some good meals at home it well worth the investment in the over all picture. 

I will be honest when money wasn't so tight we went out to eat maybe once a week. Sometimes we might stop for something quick every now and then as well. But now we know that we need to be more watchful of how we spend out money. And I hope that I can keep in mind that we will do much better if we will spend our money on keeping the pantry stocked with ingredients to make good meals. :O) 

For those of you in the USA - Happy 4th of July!! 

Benefits of...Water

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....