Wednesday, November 30, 2022

We Have A Choice To Make - Choose Life

 I struggles as if I were in a pit and couldn't get out. I was sad and emotional. I had a list of things that had broke my spirit and I just couldn't get past it all. 

Then God brought a special lady in my Sabbath School class and inspired her to share with me a book that she and her husband were reading and how it was making a huge difference in their lives. 

The author of the book explained how every morning we have new baby brain cells and it was our choice of what to do with them. As my friend and I were discussing this information we both noticed the correlation between how we have new baby brain cells every morning and how God gives us new mercies every morning. How cool is that?! 

 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,

Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

The author also used the verse found in Deuteronomy that speaks about us having a choice before life and death, blessings and cursing 

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you
 life and death,
 blessing and cursing; 
therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
Deuteronomy 30:19

We have a choice of what we want the new baby brain cells to be: 
life or death 
blessings or cursing's

As my friend shared this information with me, I knew that it was just what I needed to hear. I had been wasting my new baby brain cells on negative thoughts hat were a curse to me- I had not been choosing life or a blessing but death. And I knew that is not what I wanted. And I also knew it was not God's will for my life either. 

The things that had broke my spirit had not changed, but my attitude about my life has changed and I am feeling happy and blessed. 

We each have choices to make. When we choose to dwell on the negative things it makes deep ruts in our brains that make it harder and harder to get out of the habit of thinking negative thoughts. When those negative thoughts pop into our minds we have a choice to make - dwelling on the negativity only pulls us down into a pit. And its no fun in the pit. I have spent too much time in the pit. So I am making my choices for life and for blessings and what a blessing it is to be pulled up out of the pit! 

I have ordered this book and would like to check it out a bit before I recommend it to you all. I would hate to lead you all astray. 


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