Monday, November 14, 2022


Just had a few minutes to come and do a bit of a check in. My stressful situation last week - ended up lowering my immune system and I so I ended up getting sick Friday and had to stay home from church on Sabbath. Thankfully they broadcast it and so I was able to watch the service. I was happy because they are doing a sermon series. And I know when there is a series - I get a lot more out of the series when I hear them all. This morning I called Dr to get an appointment and so I will be going to see her this afternoon. I need to get well so I will be up to taking care of my grandson - who has not been feeling well either. He has a check up tomorrow and we are hoping they will finally give him some meds to help him feel better. Poor baby has been sick for over a week. I am SO thankful he is a pretty happy baby because he may be more clingy but thankfully he is not a grouch when he gets sick. Wish I could say the same for my -if you are married - you probably can relate... 

So today is a stay home and get caught up on a few things around the house till my appointment this afternoon. I am hoping I get some meds that will finally clear up this mess. 

I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to leave you with this encouraging quote. It is found in a wonderful book called "Mount of Blessings" well worth your time to read. You can find it on line- it is written by Ellen G. White. If you would like an actual book to read - just leave a message and I will mail one to you. It is such a great book - I think everyone should have a chance to read it. 

 "Whatever may have been your past experience, however discouraging your present circumstances, if you will come to Jesus just as you are, weak, helpless, and despairing, our compassionate Savior will meet you a great way off, and will throw about you His arms of love and His robe of righteousness." MB8

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you came down sick! Praying for a speedy recovery, and I appreciate the quote you shared so much!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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