Monday, September 5, 2022


 Just a quick check in - I am on the computer and have just a couple of extra minutes. So I am so thankful that on Sunday morning I was able to get my front and back yard mowed! And I was able to get 2 of the 4 piles of brush that needed to be burned - a lot of this was from when we had the tornado and some from when the people behind us had the fence redone- when some trees got cut down - they decided to pile the stuff in our back yard. Not the nicest thing to do - but I am SO thankful that the back fence has been replaced that I will put up with the extra work of getting that stuff cut down and burned in our fire pit. It is quite a bit of work to cut it down and move it to the fire pit area and all but it felt so good to get at least half of it done yesterday! I am hoping to get the other half burned up in the next couple of weeks. The sooner, the better. And then I am hoping that since we have this little fire ring - I will be able to keep stuff cut up and burned - so no more pile in our back yard. That will be SO very nice. 

So I had also wanted to get my garden area mowed and weed eated - but after working for 4-5 hours in the yard and it was about 12:30 area - I was hot and sweaty and ready to be done. I was disappointed I had not gotten those jobs done - especially when on Sunday afternoon - we got a wonderful rain shower - 1 inch of rain!!! We have been getting just piddly amounts of rain - other then our 11 - 12 inches of rain we got a couple of week ago - in a 12 hour period. It was wonderful to get that inch of rain - but it means I have to wait a bit before I can get those jobs done. It was WAY too wet this morning to mow. I did work out in my garden for an hour or two doing other jobs I really needed to get caught up on - but used my garden shoes since it was still wet and muddy out there. I have been thrilled with the "cooler" weather. I say "cooler" because our cooler weather has been some peoples summer weather - 88-92 most days - a day here and there a bit higher - but it is so much more conducive to having a fall garden! Never have I been very successful with a fall garden - but I might just have a bit more luck this year! I sure am hoping! 

Well I hope you all are doing well. I will continue to try to get on here when I get a chance. We will talk soon. :O)  

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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