Friday, September 9, 2022

Better to be safe than sorry

 My best advice for each one of you - is that if you are able and have not already done this- you need to start stocking your pantries a little deeper. This of it as you are creating a store at your home. 2020 taught us that sometimes the supply chain just doesn't work properly. And we have kept seeing issues with this since then as well. And I keep hear rumblings about more issues to come. I try not to dwell on the scare tactics - but it doesn't hurt to be prepared and work towards keeping extras of the things you actually use. Don't go out and buy a lot of things you do not even eat. Buy things you eat and then rotate the food so that you are using the old things up first- and that way you don't get any waste. 

One thing I have learned is to write the best by date - at least month and year - in black marker on the item to make it easier to see- that way when you buy more you can see the dates easier and put them in order of what needs to be used first. 

So if you are able please start stocking your pantries with extras of the things you use. And as you use things - be sure and replace them as you can. 

Just some advice I felt was important to share with you all and hoping that you will follow my advice and start deepening your pantry. I would rather you be safe than sorry. 

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