Thursday, February 3, 2022

What are You Planting?

 So last week was the week that I could begin planting - at least my egg plants. I shared in a prior post which two I am planning on planting. Sadly I just have not had the chance to get things planted yet- which is actually a good thing since we have bad weather and where I keep my plants when I start them - would be in the sunroom which is not always as warm as even the house is. So it is a good thing that I have not gotten any thing planted yet. 

So while I was at Walmart ~ I just couldn't resist picking up this lovely Rosemary plant! 

Isn't it pretty?! 

It is nice to have a bit of greenery in the house! 

And believe me sometime in the next 7 days I plan on getting those egg plants planted.
 It will also be the beginning of the time that I can plant the following seeds: 
  • Basil 
  • Brussel Sprouts 
  • Broccoli 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Kale 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Cabbage 
I was watching a youtube video about companion planting and they said that it is a great idea to plant french marigolds around most plants to help with pests and such. So I have ordered some from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds. They said that the orange ones seem to have the most benefits. Well I need all the help I can get. So I look forward to getting these seeds and getting them started! 

I also have a note in my gardening book that it is the best time to prune and mulch roses. So that will be done sometime this month as well. 

I am just wondering - have you planted any seeds? What are you planning to grow? 

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