Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Importance to Compare Prices

We have some nasty weather headed our way here in Texas. 
So I decided to go get groceries yesterday - since it looks like it will be below freezing till midday Sabbath - and I don't shop on Sabbath. This way we would be prepared for the cold snap and for the weekend as well. 
This is what the bread section looked like at Aldi's: 
So we live between several towns. It is about the same distance to 2 of the towns that both have an Aldi's store. Well I had been going, most of the time, to the store in the town with a wee bit lower tax rate. I thought that this would save us some money. And I just thought that prices would be the same. Well last week when I went to get groceries - I passed on getting milk because it was running $3.42 for a gallon. I usual drink almond milk or some other fake milk - but my husband still prefers real milk. Well I was not paying this much for milk - and we had enough to get us through to the first of Feb. 

The eggs at that same store were running $1.99! Wow! 
Thankfully our chickens are laying again - will have a post more about that later. 

This week when I went to get groceries before the bad weather came in - I ended up in the other town- will a bit higher tax rate. I was shocked to see the prices much lower on these two items! 

$.98 lower for milk 
And $.63 cents less for eggs! 
So by going to this store a person could save $1.61 on just these two items alone. 
So if you have choices of where to shop- be sure and compare prices and see where it is really a better deal to shop. I will be shopping at this Aldi's store more often in the future! :O) 

I hope you guys stay warm and safe! 
May God bless you in a special way! :O) 


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