Thursday, July 29, 2021

Silver Linings of Covid...series...part 2

 Being sick with Covid for 3 weeks was tough but God blessed me through this time period and I was able to find the silver linings. 

I had already decided that I needed to change my hair style. I have done my hair the same way for years and years. You know when you find a good thing, why change? Well several things had convinced me that it was time to let it grow out. At my last hair cut in June we had tweeked one tiny thing with the plans of continuing the process. I had tried to change my hair at least once or twice but usually only made it one hair cut. 

It has been hard to change hair styles because I was so used to seeing my hair fixed a certain way.  So June 15th I got sick and for 3 weeks I did not fix my hair. And gradually I got used to seeing my hair flat. I like volume up a bit and out on sides a bit. So when I don't fix it like I did - it is pretty flat. But for 3 weeks I did not fix my hair and I got used to seeing it flatter. So ever since then I have styled it differently. I had a hair cut last week and we began that letting it grow out - by cutting about 1 1/2 inches off of the back so that the layers will even up quicker. Next hair cut we will cut a bit more off of the back and the the sides can catch up. I hope I am able to find something that is flattering for me and I love! I love what my hair does in the back - I actually have some curl to it. I am hoping the longer my hair gets on the sides that I will maybe end up with some curl in it too! That would be awesome! 

So Covid was rough but there have been some blessings that have come out of it. I am glad that I took the time to noticed the silver linings of Covid. Next week I will share another silver lining! See you then! :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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