Tuesday, July 6, 2021

One Step Further!

 Last month I shared a post about how planting radishes around your squash plants may help with squash bugs. And I have to say that this year I have experienced this(maybe along with the marigolds - and nasturtiums) being very helpful and I have had less squash bugs than in the past. But I have still had some bugs. 

One of the ways I have found to combat them is as I am watering the plants to pay special attention to the inner stems and such - the squash bugs will start moving around when you are watering the plant. I will grab them - yes  - with my hand and thrown them on the ground and squish them. This works pretty good. But by chance I happen to learn of how to take this method one step further! 

So I was watering my plants one day - I did my usual - I picked off what bugs I saw and killed them. Then I took care of a couple of other jobs and as I walked back by my squash plants - I noticed like 4-5 squash bugs up on the top of the plant on the leaves. I grabbed them and threw them to the ground and killed them. Then I checked out all my other plants and found at least 18 bugs in all - that I killed. So I call this the ambush method. And just like when the bad guys in old westerns would ambush the stage coach - it takes patience. I watered and then went by the plant a little later. And actually then I finished a job I was doing and I went by them again - and the last time I was able to get 2 pairs that were mating...I was happy to get them for sure! Dead squash bugs are the best squash bugs!! 

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