Monday, April 5, 2021

Making Do With What I Had On Hand

I am still enjoying this new journey that I am on with planting seeds and caring for my little seedlings. 
In the blue tub on the picnic table you will see my tomato plants(most of my tomato plants- more are in the white tub in the card at the bottom of the photo more about them later) They were growing pretty big for the solo cups they were in and I knew that since it would be another couple of weeks before I planted them outside I would need to up pot them soon. 
I had looked around for deeper solo cups and some garden pots from previous purchases of plants- but none of them seemed deep enough. Then I thought of the stack of Dickie cups under the sink. So we drilled hole into the bottom of the cups and I up potted my tomato plants! 
So here are all of my tomato plants. The 6 in the middle are the rouge tomatoes that I had rescued from garden boxes that we took down last week to replace. They are much smaller than my other ones. But I am working with them as well because they are from the tomato plants I had last year that did so well! 

I am so thankful that I thought of using the Dickie cups - it is really a great way to do things - use what you have. May use out of things that you have. These will be reused next year as well. Most of the things that I have gotten this year to garden with are things that can be used over and over. It is a great way to save money. And that way money can be put to a bigger seed collection. I am very new to this starting with seed thing - so I don't have a whole lot of seeds. 

I am also trying to figure out a great way to store the seeds. Any ideas? I would love to hear what ever ideas you have!! :O) 



  1. Your Dickie cups are perfect!!! What a great idea! I just moved my seeds to a different storage container this year. It is hard to describe, so will try and get a picture up on my blog soon so you can see it.

  2. Renee~ That is awesome! I love to watch seeds grow!! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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