Friday, April 9, 2021

Freebie Friday

 I am so sorry that I am late getting this ready to go out - but life is in session and as you all know that spring time is a VERY busy time of year. I have a list of things I need to get done today but I just finished doing some work on the computer so I decided to get this post up right quick so you could see what I got for free this week!! 

First up is a another what I believe could be a vintage milk glass goblet. And it goes nicely with my footed dish I got a week or two ago- could have belonged to the same person. I think they are nice additions to my home -at least for now. 

Another freebie - was this sweet book: 
I enjoyed reading the story. 

So this next freebie - was something that at first I didn't even pay much attention to especially since the lid looks like it has a big hole in it- but upon further examination I realized that this was an awesome find! The lid will suction what ever level that you need it too- whether you have just a little in the bowl or almost full bowl - you can get the lid to suction close. 

Looking on the internet I found the following and realized I really did find a great deal. Sometimes you have to pick things up and check them out to realize what a great find you truly have! 

Well that is it for Freebie Friday - hopefully I will find something cook next week so I can have another post!! :O) 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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