Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Goals, Resolutions and What I Am Doing This Year

 This post will be about goals, resolutions and what I am doing this year. I know this post is a bit late since we are actually at the end of January, but still important to address this since it is the beginning of a new year. The beginning of the year is a great time to set up goals for ourselves. If we don't have goals we tend to stay stagnant. And we don't want to be stagnant, we want to move forward in life. 

Several years ago I made a goal - 50 by 50 goal.  I wanted to lose 50 pounds by the time I reached 50 years old. Well to be honest- I did not quite made it to my goal. But this along with the year 2020 taught me not to be so shallow in my goals. 

Anyone can set a goal to lose weight and although our health and weight are good things to improve on they should never be the only focus that we have in life. 

2020 was a pretty rough year for so many of us. I had to resign from volunteering (something I loved doing)  and couldn't get out and about as much- so many freedoms taken - so I stayed home and God led me on an adventure. Although I hadn't set goal - I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and ended up learning so much! 

  • sprouting 
  • canning - water bath 
  • dehydrating 
  • taking proper care of cast iron skillets and such 
  • how to make natural cough syrup 
  • ....and so much more 
So as we begin this new year I want to set some goals. In fact, I decided that i will do a 21 in 21 - that means I will have 21 goals in the year 2021. I haven't quite figured out what all 21 will be at this point but I have a pretty good list started. Will I accomplish everything I set out to do? I don't know, But one thing I am sure of is if I leave off anything important that God wants me to learn - I will be learning those things as well. 2020 was a prime example of that. 

So as this new year marches on by I will be working on the things that I have listed in my 21 in 21 goals. I probably won't be sharing them all but just be on the look out for 21 in 21 - that will be where I will be sharing some of the goals I have set for myself and as I accomplish them. 

1 comment:

  1. Well unfortunately I am have not gotten enough produce from garden to can stuff from my garden. I am hoping to learn more about gardening and improve things so that I can get more and more from the garden to can.
    Spending a lot of time reading your Bible is an excellent way to spend your time - no time is wasted that is spent in the Bible! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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