Friday, February 5, 2021

Freebie Friday

Good Morning Friends! I hope you all are doing well today. 
Today I wanted to show you what I got for free! 
I have really begun to LOVE HEB. I appreciate the fact that they have sales and deals. And now that I go early in the morning and am able to slowly go through the store - I am able to find some pretty awesome deals! And it makes me want to keep going back. Since I have to be at my son's house at 5am at least 1 day a week - I just plan on going to HEB afterwards - I am already halfway there and by the time I get to HEB at 7am or a little after - is a great time to go. Hardly anyone else in the store! 

So they had a deal - of buying 3 of the small containers of Suavitel and getting the 4th for free! Which when you figure it all out - it is a pretty good deal, plus the bottle is a little easier to handle than the large jug of it. I will save at least one of these bottles for future use!

So HEB tends to do this deal - quite often and that is to buy 2 of their multi packs of gum and get a 3rd one free! Which makes for a pretty good deal. I love to have gum on hand because it helps with the sweet tooth. 

Then I needed to get these two boxes of cake mix anyway. And they had a deal where when you bought a Duncan Hines Mega Cake or Mega Cookie you got a cake mix free. So I went ahead and bought the mixes and got my cake mixes for free. Yes - the Mega Cookie and the Mega cookies were higher priced than I would pay for that sort of thing but it is nice to have a little dessert for my husband and I ever so often. Will I buy them again - NOT unless there is some really good deal for them. 
So this week I got a bottle of Suavitel, a package of Orbit gum, and 2 boxes of Duncan Hines cake mix for free! I am so happy that I started going to HEB and checking out their deals. It used to overwhelm me so much - but I think that was the distraction all so many other shoppers- now I am able to go at a time that it is much slower pace and I am able to look and figure up if things are a good deal or not. :O) 
Be sure and come back next Friday when I will share a couple of great items I got for free - and it was a situation where I was at the right place and the right time and said the right words. You won't want to miss it! :O) 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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