Friday, December 28, 2018

A firm foundation, even when the dirt has been swept out from under us

Recently when I was trying to plant some flowers, that were given to me, in a new flower bed I discovered roots from a nearby tree blocking me from planting my flowers. Then as I was 
 at the park where I walk I noticed this tree and its roots And thought it was interesting to be able to see them. Most the time we are not able to see the roots. 

 Then I noticed these roots. 

I noticed also that half of the ground under this tree was gone but the tree was still standing. 

Along our journey through life we experience this as well. Sometimes experiences in life causes part of the ground under our feet to be swept away. At those moments we really learn how strong the roots that we have really are. In order to grow our roots we need to feed on Jesus Christ; by spending time with Him our roots grow stronger. And when the trials of life come along and wash part of the ground out from under our feet we will be able to stand because we have made Jesus our foundation. 

This brings glory to God. There is a lady at my church who has recently found out that she has cancer that is so advanced that surgery was not an option. Her spirits are good and she continues to come to church with a smile on her face even though she doesn't have much time left. How is this possible? Because she is so grounded in Jesus Christ that her roots are well established. And she is able to shine for Jesus. What a great example. Let's drink deep from the well of Jesus Chrust today and everyday that we too may stand firm no matter the situation.  

1 comment:

  1. What a witness that lady at your church is! May she continue to let Jesus carry her through!


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