Monday, December 10, 2018

A Few Minutes of Free Time

This week is filled with what I call adulting Well woman appointment, Dental appointment(was next week - but I have some stressful things going on next week and wanted to get this taken care of and out of the way) and then on Wednesday I have my appointment with my oncologist. Lots to do this week. But thankfully I have had a little bit of time to get onto the computer and get some posts typed up and should have a bit more time here and there this week to get more written. I have finally gotten smart and I have a notebook and I try to write down ideas when I have them and write out the post if I have even more time. Then when I get the things actually posted on my blog - I date it so I know I have followed through. There are many things in the past that I probably have not shared because I thought of it and then thought I had shared it, but didn't. Writing in in my notebook and then marking when I have written a post helps keep things straight.

For the last week my husband's schedule at work has been off a bit- instead of us waking up at 5:30-5:45am area- we have been getting up at 4:45am area. And most of the time I just stay up because once I am up and help get him out the door I am awake and if I try to go back to sleep it takes me quite some time. I even woke up that early on Sunday morning! And I was too awake to go back to sleep. Trust me - when 9pm rolls around I am ready for bed. And something earlier than that if I could. Right now I am very tired. I am thinking I will make sure I am in bed by 9pm so I can get a decent amount of sleep.

Please keep me in your prayers if you don't mind - for my dental appointment tomorrow afternoon and then Wednesday morning for my lab work and dr visit with my oncologist. Praying it all goes well and everything is till clear. Part of me will be relieved to be released from the oncologist - the other part of me is a bit concerned about it. Truth be told there is no time limit to when cancer can come back - it is just usually if a person is cancer free for 5 years - they feel that it is a good time to release them. But on support group sites I have read of people finding out 6- 7 years later. Believe me I have to get off of the support group because reading that kind of stuff just adds stress - and I don't need more stress. I have enough in my life already.

Hope you are all doing well. :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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