One of the classes that the church that I am going to has been offering has been a Bible Journaling class - hence my interest in the book. I am so glad that it worked out that way because otherwise I might have walked away from this awesome deal!
Notice what this says:
I didn't notice that until the second time that I picked up the book after I got home with it and was looking at it. My first thought was that there would be a good chance that the stickers and all are gone at this point - but they were not!!!
Right now this little thrift shop is running a 50 cents a book sale! Yep! What a deal!!
I looked the book up and here is what I found out:
Then you have to add shipping cost on top of the prices you find on the internet usually. So I got an even better deal finding it in person!
I could almost kick myself in the butt. About a month ago there was a good sized Bible that had wide margins. I debated about getting the Bible a couple of times, but because I already have several Bibles- seriously like 4 or 5 maybe more - I decided not to get it. Now I find this great Bible journaling book and am wishing I had have bought that Bible. I will just have to keep my eyes open for another one. :O)
I just have to share - when shopping at thrift stores - you are not always going to find awesome deals. Many times you will leave empty handed. And that is alright because you want to find good deals. I just wanted to share that because with me sharing about good deals I have found it would be easy for someone to think that I always find great deals every time I go. There was one week(last week), that I went to 4 different thrift stores in one week and did not buy at thing at any of them. Lucky for me on Friday on my way to get groceries- I decided to stop by a goodwill and I found 4 tops! You just have to be ok with leaving the store without anything sometimes because that is just the way it is. But when you find the great things- you will be happy you passed up all the other mediocre things.