Sunday, July 2, 2017

Brain Health..series...Day 2

Brain Health is very important. One of the thing that the speaker of the seminar on Brain Health said is that we can obtain better brain health if we read through Proverbs. She suggested, as many others have, to read the chapter that corresponds with the date of the month. I was hoping to be able to actually have the proverbs here each day - but it looks like it would be so much easier for me to post a link to the proverbs each day. The positive thing about having a link is that you will have access to some tools to help you dig deeper into scripture. So I will be adding a link each day to the Proverbs that we are on. The link will take you to the site blue letter bible. I hope that you will join me each day in reading through Proverbs.

A friend of mine says that she has gotten a real blessing by reading through Psalms at the same time as she reads through Proverbs. When she gets finished with Proverbs - she starts over - but continues on in Psalms until she is finished - so she would end up reading through Proverbs almost 5 times by the time she would finally get through the book of Psalms. I think that this would be a great idea. So I will also be adding a link to the chapter in Psalms for that day- so you too, can read both together.
She said it was very interesting how the chapters would compliment each other.

Proverbs 2

So I thought that as I read these chapters I would see if anything pops out at me - and if so maybe write about it - or share quotes or notes about the verse. Today in chapter 2 - verse 8 stood out to me.

8 He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.             
Proverbs 2:8
In my Andrew's Study Bible I found a neat little not about this verse:

preserves the way~ The expression may apply both to divine protection from harm. And divine guidance for appropriate behavior.
Then I checked out my SDA Bible Commentaries. (Have I mentioned how much I love this green set of books!)
Preserveth the way~ Those who walk in the broad path of sin have rejected the protection of God, but those in the narrow way of righteousness are His special care. All the forces of heaven are instantly available to guide, strengthen, and protect them.
Isn't that beautiful?! All we have to do is call for help and He will provide!! :O)
Psalms 2

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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