Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Beloved Names of God .....series



I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

John 15:1

  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus refers to Himself as the "vine" twice in the KJV
  • Vines and vineyards would have been a common sight around Jerusalem in biblical times. In fact, some of the winepresses those vineyards supplied can still be visited.
  • The phrase "I am the true vine" comes as Jesus prepares for His death and seeks to prepare His disciples for what will come. He is declaring Himself the fulfillment of Israel's promise, while letting them know that His work will go on through them, the fruits of the Vine.
Grapes can be used to make wine, and wine can change how people see the world!
The grapes wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the vine. The vine would be useless without nutrition from the soil. Likewise, Jesus as the Vine is the direct link between the Father and the fruit of His work, the person of faith.
Drawing strength from the Creator and constantly supported by the Vine, we, too, can change how people see the world! 

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