Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sorry for the Absences- It is Excused

So sorry I have been missing in action. I had really intended on getting on here and get a few more posts written up at the beginning of this week but my husband ended up sick on Monday and Tuesday. And it is just a little harder to concentrate and get my stuff written with him being home and where our computer is located.

But the good side of it is that I was able to get some work done on getting my sewing room a little easier accessible and easier to work in. I have been able to get a few sewing projects done- well these were small jobs- on clothes to make them easier to work with and better fitting. So I have gotten some things done around here - just not as much work done on the computer as I would have liked!

So we have some new additions to our family. Well sort of. A year ago in March - we found 3 little kittens in our garage. Well two ended up leaving and we were left with Bandit/Bandito/Bandy- the black and white one. We had hoped that it was a boy - but were we're wrong. And I figured that out when about 2 months ago - it seemed like male cats came out of the woodwork...seriously. And then they were gone - leaving just the 2-3 stray cats that come to eat now and then. Ok - so back to my story - so I had noticed that Bandy- as she is now called- was getting more and more round. So I was about sure she was pregnant. My husband, true to his nature, did not really believe that I was right. But on Sunday - he had to admit I was right! When he found Mommy can with a few kittens under his work bench in the garage. We think there are 3 kittens. I have seen 2 of them good- a black and white one and then a black/yellow orange/ and white one_ this one is so cute! And I am told the 3 one is multi colored as well. We have a bit of a dilemma though - Momma cat does not really like to be touched. I have touched her tail and petted it a bit - but it is usually only after surprising her and she is quickly out of reach. So the chances of us being able to hold and tame these kittens is probably low. Which disappoints me. I am SO hoping we can figure out a way to tame them and Momma - because we are going to have to get her fixed - not wanting a set of kittens every single year. Anyway - if anyone has any suggestions - I would love to hear them. Thanks in advance.

Ok - I will be working on the rest of our vacation post- and hopefully have one ready by tomorrow to share. I hope you all are doing well. As I said last week was a rough week - it really was- felt like the roughest one I have had in quite some time. But after getting into my routine again -having my devotional time every day helped. Then shopping with my sister and finding a few really neat things- a new (seriously brand new) Sabbath Dress being one of them! I would share a photo but blogger is not allowing me to upload photos right now. Getting a new Sabbath Dress - for less than 1/5 of the original price was such a blessing! Especially since I don't have a lot of dresses.

Oh and I really need so update you all on how our garden is doing? And today I am going to have to get out there and get some weeding done. By the way - for you gardeners out there: What is the best tool you have found to keep your gardens weeded? Please share- I would love to know! :O)

1 comment:

  1. My best weeding tool? My husband!! I find that if I get out in the garden in the evening, he will often join me, and then twice as much happens than would have otherwise. :) But as far as a real tool, I like the ones that just have a single prong to stick down in and get the weed loosened up. Those generally work for me if I am having trouble with any of the weeds.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality