Friday, November 6, 2015

A Treasure I Wish I Had

Well I believe I told you that I was planning on doing a recipe book for each of my boys. So my original plan included the use of these: 

It was just like an original recipe binder that I set up before my husband and I went to Germany for his tour of duty in the military.

So my idea was to be - use each color for different things, breads, entree's, deserts, you get the idea. The only problem with this plan is that once a color is full - no more recipes can be used. The other problem is that if I wrote in pen - I could make mistakes and make it look messy. If I used pencil - it could get smeared and look messy. I didn't know what I was going to do. But I knew I needed to do something.

Several years ago- my Grandmother passed away. She was from Colorado. I did not get to see her very much. But I know she was a great cook! After she died - I really wanted her recipes. Well I wanted recipes but I also wanted to know more about her. I regretted the wasted time of not being able to find out who she really was. And as I would look at old recipe books I would be reminded of wanting some of her favorite recipes. So I knew I needed to revisit my recipe book idea for my boys and someday for my granddaughter.

I was talking to my husband and he actually gave me my idea. And I really don't know why I hadn't thought of it sooner. The plan was to type out my tried and true recipes- then I could copy off as many as I wanted to make.

So it was awesome when while I was thrift store shopping this week, I found a pretty pink 3 ring binder- probably a 1 inch binder. I thought it was great. It actually has 2 pockets on each side, instead of the usual one only pocket. I also found some dividers and bought a package of them. Here is a photo of my new recipe binder:
So now I am going to begin to work on my recipe folder. And then I will work on getting the boy's theirs made up. And I figured in order to make it more personal - I will write had written notes on some of the recipes. Like as I find something that might work better or options that can be done with the recipe. Just what ever I can do to make it more personal. That way my sons will have the recipes that mean the most to them. And something personal that their mother made them. Maybe it can help answer some questions for them after I am gone. Just a link to the past. And something they can pass down. A treasure- I treasure I wish I had. So I making it happen for the next generation.   


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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