Thursday, March 12, 2015

Where do you give your energy? And a great resource!

"That which you give energy to- you empower"

Today I was lucky enough to get to go to the park and go walking. The sun peaked out several times and it felt good especially with the temperatures being in the upper 60's. While I walked I listened to a few devotions from Jesus 101 the devotionals are Elizabeth G. Talbot and Mike Tucker. A good friend of mine told me about it. And I am so glad she did. Anyway today I was listening to some of the Biblical Studies and I heard the quote above- under the "Anointed" part 3. Anyway it reminds me not to allow worry or Fear to have much time. I would rather use my time to get to know Jesus more and more - that is the kind of power I would like in my life. How about you?

If you would like to listen to this devotional or any other of the resources - read the following information:

You can either go to this site - or you can search or the free app for - at least for the iPhones. Anyway you can then click under "Listen" and there you have several choices :
Plug into Life - are short devotionals that are 1 minute long. So when you are in a hurry and don't have much time, this would be a good choice. To check this one out click here.
Biblical Studies - these devotionals are about 10-12 minutes long. Right now they have two series - "Rescued" that is talking about Exodus. And then "Anointed" that is talking about David. Click Here to check this one out. Oh by the way - on the computer it looks like they have many more series than what I have listed.
Audio Books - Here you can find her audio Books: Matthew, Mark-Good News!, Luke- Salvation for All, John- God Became Flesh, and Surprised by Love. By the way, they also have an option for the Audio Books - for he books in Spanish. To check out the English site click Here.

If you have a link to any of these links - go to the Jesus 101 Institute DOT org.
I think this resource will bless you. Oh and if you will like them on Facebook - they have given away one of her books~ the "Matthew" book. So maybe they will give out another book. Totally Free- you just gave them your mailing info and they mailed it right now.

1 comment:

  1. They do occasionally give away other free books--I received her Revelation book this way! 😀 Glad you are enjoying the podcasts--I listen every weekday!


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