Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Taking a Break from Busy to Visit a Bit

Jesus is my only hope. He is my rock and my foundation. When I feel my burdens too much to bear, I know that I can count on Jesus to strengthen me and give me courage to face another day.

I'm thinking you all have probably guessed this already but I have been struggling lately. I have shared with you some of the thing I am struggling with and since then several more things have been added that are tough to deal with. But I continue to remember that Jesus is in control and that He will get us all through.

Remember I shared with you all that I was asked to serve on the nominating committee for our church this year, well last week end we had our first meeting- almost 4 hours worth. And the sad part is that most of that time was taken up with stuff that will help us as we work through the list - but it also meant that we did not get much done at all of the list itself.

We have experienced some really nice weather over the last couple of days- of course we are back to rainy, overcast weather again today -but we sure did enjoy the sunshiney warm weather while we had it. I was able to walk several different times and that felt great. In fact, one day once I got home from walking and cooled off some (since temps were in the upper 70's maybe even 80 degrees) I actually decided to mow my front yard and then once I rested a bit I mowed a section of my back yard. I would have waited and done that part later except that I knew that overcast/rainy weather was coming and wanted to get as much mowing done while I could. It was so neat to experience a bit more energy than last year - when I was mowing. I don't think I could have gone on a 1 1/2- 2 mile walk and then mowed all that I did. In fact, our front yard is pretty big and since I am push mowing - I would be about worn out with just doing the front yard. And actually I normally felt kind of worn out - like I over did it a bit just by mowing the front yard. And that was even mowing half of it and then taking a break to get water and rest a bit. I would still be worn out when I was done. I am SO happy to be feeling better. I am not 100% back yet - but I am heading in the right direction.

Our baby chicks are doing very well. They will be 1 month old in just a few day! They have grown so much. It looks like we will need to move them out to the shed. The area we have them in is getting small for them. I think they will be very happy with their new home. It will be hard on my - because it is very easy for me to check on them any time I want to. And I will probably worry about them a little being out there and still being babies. I can't wait till the next pretty day we have though - because we will be letting them out of the shed and let them run and play in the dog run that is attached to the shed. It will give them plenty of room to run and play. I am praying for a really pretty day for the week end so that when our granddaughter is here that she will get to see them playing out in the sunshine. They will be so excited! Oh and once we move them I should be able to get some better photos of them.

A friend of mine told me that her husband over hear an older couple talking and they said they had seen hummingbirds at their feeders- so guess what I did? I got my feeders out- cleaned up and put out! I am ready for my little friends to visit now! We really enjoy them!

Well I better close for now- I have a lot of things I need to do and phone calls I need to make so I better get busy. I hope you all have a great day! :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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