Monday, October 27, 2014

You Got ALL That For How Much?

Ok - So yesterday I explained how I was driving home at midnight.
It is very unusual that I am out after dark - and certainly VERY rare that I am even awake at midnight, so the question is why was I driving home at midnight?

Well the Goodwill stores(at least in the DFW) area were having a Midnight Madness sale.
They close the store at 7pm - to get ready for the sale that starts at 8pm.
So my sister, my nephew and myself decided to go to a couple of the area stores. We were waiting at the first one at 8pm when they opened. We totally lucked out- to find a basket at the back of the store. Since ALL the baskets were gone when we went into the store.

At the first store I found 2 items - the peach cami and the plaid top(color in photo does not truly show accurate color- but you get the idea). The plaid top is very flattering - I love the style of it!

(And by the way- my sister saw a photo of these clothes and she agrees with me this photo does not do the clothes justice - on color or how cute they really are)

Then it was time to hit the next store. At this store I only got one thing- the sheer top that is 3rd item from the left- it has peach and brown flowers. I am planning on wearing the peach cami underneath this top - and I can also wear it under the plaid top- it matches both.

A Side Note: I am not normally that big into the color peach- but I find it kind of ironic that my cancer ribbon for endometrial cancer is peach and then on this shopping trip - I find 3 things in peach. Which is fine with me. Because it actually look good on me - at least the things I got look good.

So it was sad - the second store where I had only found 1 thing - and had a total bill of $2.27 - was the longest line - I bet we waited over 20 minutes to get through this line.

The third store we went to is where I found the jeans and the two turquoise tops at the right side of the photo. I love the turquoise and white top - it has such a pretty pattern on it and the details are great. I will need to wear a cami under it because it is a little see through but that is no big deal. Cami's are great to have just for this purpose. The plain turquoise top will be pretty just by itself or with a white undershirt with lace on it - to add an extra touch of femininity to the outfit!

Over all we had a great evening. Lots of fun and lots of laughs. Like that time when my sister hit a skunk that had recently been hit and killed. I don't know why - but I found it so funny! It was dark and it was like at the last second we could see something and then bam! My sister, who was driving, did not even have time to try to swerve. It stank - and in fact - she thought she was going to throw-up several times- all the while I am laughing. I do know why I was laughing - I was really tired.

On Friday we went camping with our group of Pathfinders. And we ended up staying up till about 12:30 on Friday night. Then I had to be up at 7 the next morning so not a lot of sleep. Not as much sleep as I usually need. I really try to go to bed by 10pm - sometimes a little sooner if needed. Anyway so I did not get much sleep the night before. And then we had to come back early from the camping trip so my husband could work a job Saturday night. And so my sister and I planned the shopping trip - since she had heard about the midnight madness sale. Oh I did not explain that- A midnight madness sale is a sale that is from 8pm- midnight - and it is where everything - except the new things are 50% off! That is why I was able to get each of these tops for $2.09 - because the normal price of them is $4.19! Which at $4.19 these shirts would have been a great deal - but for half that - an even better deal! The jeans were $7.99 originally - so I got them for $4.00. Bringing my total for what I bought to right at $16.00!!!

So for $16.00 I got 4 great tops, 1 cami, and 1 pair of jeans (oh and I also got a suduko book- it brought my total at that store up to $10.00, which got me a stamp) *And at Goodwill stores if you get the special card stamped 10 times- you get $10.00 of free stuff !! I think I did quite well!

I do have a confession to make though- It had been right at 14 months since I had drank a Coke- well Saturday night I was not very good- and as a pick me up to help me get through the entire evening - I drank a Coke from McDonalds. A Thank You to my Sister who bought it for me. Anyway so I think that by having the caffeine and then not getting much sleep is what caused me to find the whole skunk situation SO very funny. Anyway laughter is good for the soul.

    A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
We had a lot of laughs, my nephew is quite funny! It was a very good mental health outing for us all I think.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh dear, not a good computer day! I'll try again... Great bargains so well done!

    1. Hello~ I have gotten your comments, don't feel bad though I have had that problem from time to time too. Also don't feel like you can't share the rough times you are going through- I really do care and will be able to pray for your health issues. I have been through a lot but God has been faithful and over all I am doing well. I am thankful for that! I understand many people are suffering and it is so much easier for all of us that are going through tough times to be able to share what we can with others- that way we are not carrying the load on our own. Praying you start to feel better soon!
      Lisa :O)

    2. You are a kind and caring person Lisa. Sharing can be a comfort - it often helps us to continue when life gets hard.

      However, on a lighter note you really did get some good bargains - I would be happy to buy at original prices - that sort of sale doesn't really happen here. X

  3. Wow, what great bargains!! I want to go shopping with you!

    1. Lauren~ I would love to have you go shopping with me. My sister and I really enjoy thrift store shopping - you just have to be patient because you don't always find great things. So we are trying to be more and more selective- to make sure we get a good deal! Lisa :O)

  4. You did great on finding bargains! And lack of sleep will make you find lots of things really funny--I would have laughed at the skunk incident if I was tired too!

    1. I really enjoy the midnight madness sales - that 50% off is great! Of course I don't like staying up so late so it is a little harder on me now than it used to be. :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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