Friday, October 31, 2014

An Update....

Today I don't have much time - so just gonna touch base with you all for a minute.
Today my husband and I went to the Messiah's Mansion that is visiting the area for the last week. Although it was kind of chilly, especially with the breeze, to me - I would rather be too cold than too hot. So I enjoyed it.
If you would like to find out more about the Messiah's Mansion - be sure to click on the link above!
It's been a while since I have posted a photo of myself for an up date on how my hair is growing so I thought I would post one for today, although the photo was taken earlier this week. The bonus is that I am wearing one of my new tops and my new cami that I got last week. Sorry for the poor quality on the photo.

And I just had to include our cat Dewie trying to photo bomb He succeeded!   

Our weather here has really turned Fallish. And I am loving it!!
I hope you all are doing well.
I am hoping to get the next chapter of our Love book series up for tomorrow. See you then! :O)


  1. Wow... your hair is really getting long! Your new shirt is so cute! You're looking great.

    1. Thank you Lauren- my hair is still under 3 inches long- was a little disappointed when I found that out - because I had really thought that it would be 3 inches long by my 6 month post chemo appointment next Friday- it will take a lot of growing from now to then to get to 3 inches. Oh well Hair is better than none. :O)

  2. I have never heard of the Messiah's Mansion. I will definitely check it out online. :)

    You look so beautiful and your hair seems to be growing so quickly.

    Give your sweet kitty a hello from me! :)

    1. Marci~ if Massiah's Mansion ever comes to your area - you will really want to check it out. I think you would really enjoy it. :o)

  3. What a sweet little photo bomber! ;)

    1. He really is! Usually they don't bother me when I am trying to get my photos though- it was funny that it worked out that he ended up in the photo! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality