Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Your Focus- Your Choice

Ok - So I do not have strep throat...thankfully. As time progressed became very congested, head hurt, sneezing fits here and there, and my throat hurting - not horribly though. So basically a cold. It's kind of funny cause I had made it all the way through chemo - and was able to stay well. I try to eat healthfully and then bam.... I get sick.

And then my husband got sick - but not with what I had. Nope - he got a tummy bug. Threw up most of the day on Monday and by 8:30pm - had not been able to keep anything down and his tummy was really hurting him. And I think seeing blood streaks in his last vomiting - made him feel like he needed to go to the ER. So we went. Got there at about 9:15pm - and was there till 1:45am. Didn't not get home till after 2am. I was exhausted- I wasn't feeling good either. And I would have loved to have gone to bed at 9pm. Anyway I prayed and asked God to help keep me awake for the drive home. I claimed Deut. 33:25b - "As are your days so shall your strength be." It's been a favorite of mine. And when I am facing difficult things -like feeling sick and having to stay up late and having hardly anything to do in the hospital room - I am able to retrieve verses that have been encouraging to me. I have always had a hard time memorizing verses, but I have found that over the last couple of years, through some very difficult things- I have focused more and more on verses that have been encouraging to me. And as I do - I am able to retain them. Maybe not word for word - but the general idea - and where to find it in the Bible. And when I am in a situation with someone who may need some encouragement - I am able to come up with a Bible verse to help. So I will continue to work on memorizing Bible verses by focusing on what Bible verses God brings to me.

The last week I have had a really hard time with a few things. And God brought a verse to my attention - it took a while for me to get it. Actually He ended up having to bring it to my attention several times - I am thinking the 3rd time - I finally got it.

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.   
Isaiah 26:3 
There are so many things in life that can bring us down. That can cause us fear and anxiety. Watching TV - can cause fear. Comparing ourselves with other people can cause us disappointments.

And the answer to all of that is to change where our focus is. Our focus should not be on ourselves or our problems- that kind of thinking will get us in trouble. Nope - we need to be focusing on our loving heavenly Father. And when we focus on Him - trusting in Him- we can have perfect peace - even in the middle of the storms of life.
That's the verse that God brought to me this week.
What verse has been extra special to you this week?


  1. I am praying for y'all's health. I definitely needed to read this today. I have been a walking fearful mess. I am scheduled to have my routine mammogram next week and am horrified that they will find something. Ugh! Thanks for the peaceful verse and the reminder to trust my Creator!

  2. Amen. I've been reminding myself to take my eyes off myself and put them on the Lord.

  3. We've both been learning the same thing this week. This world has nothing for me- my mind must be focused on Christ.

    Hope you and hubby are feeling 100% very soon!

  4. So sorry to hear you and your husband are not well :(
    A lot of my online friends are getting sick this week!
    I imagine it is even worse for your poor husband with his esophagus problem already, and now he's throwing up...I will be praying for you both as usual..only harder tonight! ((hugs))~ Lisa


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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