Thursday, September 18, 2014

Courageous and Strong - Not Fearful

 Most of the time I like Facebook and think it is great. But this week, I have found myself struggling with some negative thoughts and I have figured out why and what I need to do about it.

Since my diagnosis of having Endometrial Cancer- I have found several facebook pages that are just for ladies that have also dealt with Endometrial Cancer - or Uterine Cancer- as far as I know are the same thing. My Dr calls it Endometrial Cancer. Anyway I have found a lot of helpful information out on these pages and have tried to be of encouragement to others going through this same "adventure." But earlier this week - someone posted a link to a news story, that we later found out was not from a reliable source, that really discouraged me. It was a story saying that most Dr. and Scientist would say no to chemo. Well this made me start doubting my choice of going through chemo. And it just placed a heavy burden on my shoulders. And I just felt more emotional and sad about everything.

 And then I noticed that I was still struggling with sadness and negativity about life. And realized that I needed to change some settings on my facebook account. While I still would like to be able to get to these Uterine Cancer Support pages - I did not want to be flooded with posts. So I stopped the posts from getting sent to me. When I want to go to the page and check out what people have posted- I can. But if I am not in the mood to deal with it - I don't have to.

I was also very happy this afternoon when the following verse was shared and I knew it was just for me:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
 2 Timothy 1:7
I have already known that this was a special verse for me for this whole "adventure." But I needed reminding of it today.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."   
 Joshua 1:9
Anyway I thought I would share about my struggle just in case it could encourage anyone else out there. We will have our tough days but when we build our foundation on Jesus Christ - He give us the strength to stand strong. I have written the above verses on post it notes and have attached them so that I can be reminded of them. He will help me to be Strong and Courageous! And He will do the same for you too. :o)


  1. I think you were wise to change the settings so you don't get those negative things in your news feed. Keep looking up!

  2. I have done the same type of thing before--we have to! Protect your thoughts from an overload of negative influences. For me, it was posts from other people who had a disabled child with the same type of disability as Austin. I go to those FB pages and encourage when I can, but I cannot read all the posts that are put there. It is overwhelming to me, even with Austin at the point he is at and doing well. There are still many concerns and worries that are ready to pop up. But I have to remember that none of them are bigger than God is. Hugs to you today! Happy Sabbath!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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