Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chemo Class - and Port

Well today my husband and I went to the Oncology place for a Chemo class. I learned a lot of things that I will need to know for the next 4-6 months of my life. Everyone's Chemo is different and the way people respond to it is different. So you get a list of symptoms to watch out for- and list of what things to call the Dr. about. We also had a tour of the facility. And then we got a little goodie bag- which had a pretty pink pen in it, a nice pill case, a thermometer, and a magnet with important phone numbers on it.

When we were taken into the infusion suite- where the chemo is given - the nurse leading our tour told us that the room used to be plain white walls - and that a lady paid to have the walls painted- so there are scenes and such painted on the walls. So it is no longer plain white- that is a great way to pay it forward. She was able to enjoy it but just think of all of the people that have come after her to have pretty scenes to look at.

I also found out this week that I will be having my port put in on Friday. I had really wanted to have it done the Thursday or Friday after Christmas - so it was quite a surprise to get the call saying it was THIS Friday.

At our class today- they actually had a port that they showed up. Oh my goodness- it was bigger than I thought it would be and the hose that goes in the vein was about 12 inches long or so. Just a little scary thinking that by Friday - I would have one of those.

I was going to get a photo and put it here so you all could see it but I just don't want to look through those photos to pick one- if you are interested - go to Google and type in Ports used to get Chemo and then images. And you will get probably more than you want to see - like I just did.

When you get the diagnosis of cancer- you get a whole new education- that is for sure.
I got my hair cut yesterday- probably about 4 inches or so. It is just above my shoulders- about 2 inches -about chin level. Today we found out that a lot of people lose their hair about 10-14 days after their first chemo treatment.

I hope you all are doing well. I am doing pretty good.


  1. I appreciate your keeping us all updated on how things are going here on your blog. Helps me understand better how to pray in specific ways for you. Hugs!

  2. Oh, I also wanted to say how wonderful I thought it was also of that lady to pay for the chemo room to be painted nicely! What a blessing she is to all who are walking this hard road after her!

    1. I will try to take a photo or two of the paintings sometime and share. :O)

  3. That woman is a gem... what a way of blessing others...

    I am happy to hear that you are doing well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. The port does look intimidating, doesn't it? We have had no issues at all with my 7yo's port over the last 3 years, the procedure to install it was harder on me as a mom than it was on him! I hope that helps you feel a bit better.

    You have my love and support!

    1. Ann~ Thank you so much for this information. My heart goes out to your son and your whole family for what he has had to go through the last 3 years- time sure flies -really does not seem like it has been that long. You guys continue to be in my prayers- thanks for the love and support! Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

What are you focusing on?

 Hello, my friends~ I hope you are all doing well. The last several weeks have been so busy with many dr appointments, both for my husband a...