I also wanted to remind you that my posting for this month might be sporadic - I really don't know what I am going to be able to keep up with. I am hoping to keep up with the basics and also be able to come on here ever so often and let you know what is going on here at our house. It should be a fun month! This evening we are going to pick our sweet granddaughter up since her daddy does not get off of work till about an hour after he is suppose to pick her up. So we are picking her up. Tomorrow will be my first day to take care of her and guess what? It just happened to be the day that my MIL needed me to take her to her eye Dr for a cataract follow up apt. So I will be taking little SweetPea with me as we take great grandnuther to the Dr's. That should be fun.
Thanks to the generosity of friends and family we have a decent amount of outside toys to help entertain SweetPea. And we picked up the sandbox that we had ordered for her and have it set up in the back yard - we added just one bag of sand to it so far and she loves it! I have a photo and want to share it but it is a very large photo - don't know why my camera on my phone is doing that. So if a photo does not show up with this post you will know it was just not going to work. I will have plenty of time to get my other camera out and take photo of her playing with her sand box. And I will share them then.
I hope you are all doing well. I will be checking in when I can. :o)

Oh it was so beautiful here, we opened windows also :)
praying for you.